Released more than 20 fragrances
Jennifer Lopez
Starred in Rush Hour
Jackie Chan
Won an Oscar
Morgan Freeman
Was a background dancer for NKOTB
Jennifer Lopez
Was rejected for Marvel and Avatar movies, but eventually starred in Guardians of the Galaxy
Chris Pratt
Number of times Tom Hanks has been married.
Starred in Spiderman
Won a Young Hollywood Award and NAACP award
Gabrielle Union
Was born in London and started acting at age 3
Kiera Knightley
First major role was in Jane the Virgin
Gina Rodriguez
Number of times Tom Cruise was married (hint it's the same number of children he has)
Starred in Dead Pool 1 and 2
Ryan Reynolds
Has won over 17 awards
Kevin Hart
Grew up on a farm
Margot Robbie
Temporarily lost her hearing during the filming of Catching Fire
Jennifer Lawrence
Currently dating Towa Bird
Renee Rapp
Starred in Barney & Friends
Won best supporting actor by Women's Film Journalists for his role in Black Panther
Michael B Jordan
Didn't graduate high school
Ian Somerholder
His first acting experience was actually a form of punishment by his parents.
Morgan Freeman
Engaged to Omar Apollo
Taylor Russell
Starred on Broadway
Renee Rapp
Teen Choice Award for Vampire Diaries
Ian Somerhold
Dealt with anxiety when she was young and still to this day
Debbie Ryan
Actress wasn't first actress cast for her major role. Took the role after it was offered to Emily Blunt
Scarlett Johanssen