what catigory hurricane was it
what is catigory 5
how long did it last
what is 12 days long
what catigory was it
what is a catigory 3
what catigory was it
what is catigory 3
how do hurricanes rotate
what is counter clockwise
how long did it last
what is a week long
What was hurricane andrew highest wind speeds
what is 175 miles an hour.
how much money caused in DAMAGE
what is 26.1 billion dollars
how many places were affected
what is 6 places
how many people die in a average hurricane
what is a hurricane can kill 7,000 to 11,000 people.
what is hurricane katrina known for
what is the most dangerous hurricane recored
how many people died in the hurricane
what is 66 deaths
how long was hurricane ivan (Days)
what is 23 days long
how much day did it last
what is 11 days
what hurricane set the highest wind speeds of 215 miles in hour
what is hurricane patrica
what persentage of new orlands was flooded
what is 80%
how much money did it caused
what is 26.5 billion dollars in damage
hurricane ivan stuck the cribbean and killed __ amout of people
what is 100 people
how much dollars in damage
what is 68.7 billion dollars
how are hurricanes named
what is the World Meteorology Organisation
how many pets died during hurricane katrina
what is 50,000-70,000 pets
hurricane andrew became a catigory 1-5 five in the time perido in
what is 36 hours/ 3 days
hurricane andrew spawned 120 tornados and one of them was a f_ tornado and tossed a car and broke __ yards
what is a f3 tornado and 75 yards tossed
how high were hurricane sandy highest wind speeds
what is 115 miles per hour
if the storm surge was 15 feet high how much miles would it go into land
what is 25 miles in to land.