Freud was ranked as important as what renowned scientist
Interest in manikins related to what?
Figures rose from collective unconscious
What philosophical traditions ground Gestalt therapy?
Existentialism and Phenomenology
Person centered counseling includes
Phenomenology, humanism, interpretation, and own directiveness
to ease anxiety with hypnosis
Father and his uncles were very religious, mom believed in / spoke with spirits, lived near a cemetery in a rural community.
What religion did Adler practice?
Frankl helped people from being euthanized in concentration camps by diagnosing them with what mental illness?
What was Perls' family life like?
Father was a philanderer, older sister blind and he didn't want to wind up taking care of her.
Earned his degree in neuropsychiatry and was influenced by Friendlander and 'holism and evolution'
Used LSD; was sexually experimental
Human issues Rogers Struggled with
Alcoholism, Sexuality, controlling religious family
Was Jung introverted or extroverted?
Adler's interests
Feelings of inferiority
Striving for wholeness
Striving for perfection
Never saw himself as a psychoanalystWhat was the third wave of Viennese Psychology
Gestalt therapy relative to spirituality
Zen meditation/ Buddhism / focus on holism / here and now awareness / getting in touch with deeper aspects of self
Who did Rogers rely on mostly in his theory development?
What drug did Freud use to treat disease
What was Jung's reaction to the word "love"?
Adler's Existential/Humanistic Leanings
Optimistic - anti-deterministic
Gemeinschaftsgefuhl - Social Interest
Empathic, cooperative, social and appreciative of the beauty in the world
Each of us are charged with making choices that give it meaning
All people struggle with the basic questions of what it is to be human
we are born alone and will die alone
Necessary and sufficient conditions
What were some things that Freud struggled with?
Anxiety, depression, fear of trains, fear of dying, superstitions about numbers, psychosomatic illness, fear of train, fear of traveling
Jungs early thoughts about himself
thought himself to be psychic and blessed
was intellectually curious
contemplated meaning of life
Developed one of first Child Guidance Clinics
Known as one of first family therapists
May have been one of first cogmitive therapists
Kierlgaard, Nietzche, Husserl, Buber, Tillich, Heidegger and Sarte
How did Reich influence Perls?
Early Influences of Carl Rogers
Otto Rank: Existential/Humanistic / Rousseau: People are naturally kind / Dewey: Reflection/Experience in learning / Kierkegaard: Subjectivity/Choices / Parents: Judgmental attitudes
What did Freud famously destroy twice?
personal papers
Psychology of the occult
Adler and Social Justice
One of the first to focus on Social Justice Issues
Saw: how power is misused by parents; desire for power and superiority is the root of class structure; desire for power is rooted in inferiority; individual psychology is the mechanism to enlighten people about need for power and how power oppresses others
Compulsivity, Displacement, playing the victim, losing control, avoiding autonomy, willing-denial and physical disease are all ways clients do what?
Avoid responsibility
a. Healthy
b. Psychotic
c. Unhealthy
d. Neurotic
First noted location of employment for Rogers and first book published
Rochester Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Measuring Personality Adjustment in Children 9-13 years of life
How did Freud die?
Assisted suicide after 15 year battle with jaw cancer
Relationship with Freud
Key concepts of Adlerian Therapy
Uniqueness of individual; Feelings of inferiority; private logic; common sense; compensation; subjective final goal, style of life; striving for perfection; social interest
List the key concepts of existentialism
Phenomenology; death/non being; freedom; guilt (moral/neurotic); will to meaning; responsibility (2 levels: toward self & toward others; Isolation (from self/others); meaninglessness; anxiety (neurotic/existential)
Social and Cultural Issues in Gestalt Therapy
Phenomenological perspective; understand client from their point of view; Zen notion of "non-Being"; we can sit with our inner selves and listen; contact with others; focus on reclaiming lost parts of self
What was Freuds View of Human Nature
- Immersed in modernism / -rejected notion of divine explanations / -science and objectivity were key/ -attempts at understanding self / -model was always changing
Early personalities
unremarkable school boy in dress and stature
strong authoritarian and noteworthy 18th century man
Adler and Dreikurs
Dreikurs founded Adler School of professional psychology in the United States
Shows helpfulness with relationship issues, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, anger related problems, schizophrenia, severe personality disorder, health problems
What concepts, ideas and philosophies were adopted into Perls' work?
Moreno - Psychodrama // Buddhism - Mindfulness // Goodman - breaking down social norms and psychological assumptions to reinvent ones self
Key concepts of person centered counseling
Freuds view of religion
-religion is used to avoid ultimate fears of living and dying
-id=original sin
View of human nature
By expanding our conscious, the individual is able to integrate parts of self that have been pushed into the unconscious, thus becoming a more fully functioning person
Adler and Dinkmeyer
Dinkmeyer was an American psychologist that developed DUSO/STEP.
Developing understanding of self and othersFrankl's tenants of Existentialism
Meaning evolves from personal will to take responsibility and to choose; each person is responsible for their actions; anxiety is natural and unavoidable; reality is self-created and subjective; relationships are critical; change process requires a joint journey within the therapist and client; choices we make effect who we are
Perls View of Human Nature
Non-Reductionistic: mind, body and soul operate in unison ; properties of the whole are always more than the sum of its parts; individuals are in constant state of need identification and need fulfillment; ego-boundary is how we make contact with self; the goal is to break free of unfinished business
What impacts Child Development most?
Actualizing tendency: lends directionality to lives as individuals seek to reach unique and full potential
What was Freud's relationship with women
-Some feminists said women were treated like 2nd class citizens by Freud
-Acknowledged women had an internal world that affected their way of being
On God and Religion
One must come to grips with ones own religious values. The God-archetypes. Understand the religious orientation of the client and then make a decision of how to work best with the client
4 Phases of Adlerian Therapeutic Process
Building Relationship
Assessing and Understanding Lifestyle
Insight and Interpretation
Reeducation and ReorientationDefine these 4 words with relation to existential therapy as defined by Binswanger:
Umwelt / Mitwelt / Eigenwelt / Uberwelt
Umwelt: Physical & Biological // Mitwelt : Interpersonal and social self // Eigenwelt : Psychological Self // Uberwelt: how clients relate to the spiritual nature of themselves and the unknown
Efficacy of Gestalt therapy
Effective overall; as good as CBT; Effective in reducing depression/anxiety; Helps with borderline personality disorder; Empty chair is effective in reducing anger and unfinished business
Three core conditions of person centered therapy
Empathy, Congruence, Unconditional Positive Regard
Freud's view of Social Justice
Saw importance of external world and its impact on psychic development
Believed peace and contentment could only come if people understood themselves AND if societies made decisions for the betterment of all
Efficacy of Jungs Theory
not easily researchable
clinicians will always be very well versed; commitment emphasized
Efficacy of Adlerian Therapy
Hard to measure change but good therapeutic alliance; longer term approach
Who did Frankl influence?
May - Father of American Existential Therapy // Yalom - Popularized existential approaches // Rogers - Person Centered Therapy // Perls - Gestalt therapy
Main function of Gestalt Therapy
Help the person understand how his/her blockages prevent need satisfaction and result in an inability to meet another person fully
What are the techniques of person centered therapy?
"Techniques" rarely used; Counselors should have Empathy, Congruence and Unconditional Positive Regard for clients