This school district has the highest ratio of free/reduced lunch schools.
What is 509j?
This staff member is always cold and would appreciate a wearable blanket for their desk.
Who is Sydney?
What is the number of individuals served in 2023-24 school year?
For donors with high giving potential, we suggest inviting them to this fall fundraiser.
What is the Doubleback Sip & Savor/Bledsoe Wine Event?
Mountainview Fellowship church in Redmond has over 40 of what type of homeless supports available?
What is Safe Parking?
Far and above the other districts, 67% of Crook County FAN families requested help with what basic need?
What is Food?
This board member has motioned or seconded to approve the meeting minutes at every single meeting they have attended.
What is the number of FAN Advocates?
To find out what items FAN Advocates want donated, please direct folks to this.
What is the Amazon Wishlist?
Finish this FAN Advocate Motto: “We never work harder than ____ ________”
What is "our families"?
The largest school district that does not provide school supplies.
What is Redmond?
This staff member’s full name is nearly identical to a board member’s full maiden name.
Who is Kelsey Seymour? (similar to maiden name: Kelly Seymour)
What is the Endowment Goal?
There has been a noticeable increase this past year in this type of giving due to tax laws.
What are Donor Advised Funds (DAF)?
Name the Central Oregon nonprofit carpentry group that builds beds for children who sleep on the floor.
What is Sleep in Heavenly Peace?
These two BLP schools are currently tied for the highest number of clients. Name at least one of them.
What are Bear Creek Elementary and Caldera High School?
This board member was the first among you to donate to FAN, in 2009.
Who is Lora?
What is the cost per FAN child per year?
For a full calendar year, there were four whole boxes that sat in storage of this donated item that is unpopular with students.
What are #2 pencils?
What is the name of the service club that helps children get prescription glasses?
What is the Lion’s Club?
This rural school lists clothing as it’s #1 requested basic need.
What is Warm Springs K-8?
This board member was the first among you to sign up for the FAN Club.
Who is Travis?
What is the year the FAN Foundation was created?
If you plan to leave your estate to FAN, join this.
What is the Legacy Circle?
Eviction prevention support from this regional organization must be applied for on the 1st of the month due to popularity and demand.
What is NeighborImpact?