In Disney’s 1959 film Sleeping Beauty, Aurora is betrothed to a prince shortly after she is born. This same prince rescues her when she falls into a deep sleep. Who is he?
Prince Philip
What is the full name of Harry Potter’s godfather?
Sirius Black
What was the first Marvel movie ever made?
Iron Man
Who is the Elven character who is the Sindar Elf of the Woodland Realm?
What 2018 Star Wars film focuses on the early adventures of Chewbacca and the character who was portrayed by Harrison Ford in "A New Hope," "The Empire Strikes Back," and "Return of the Jedi?"
Everyone knows that Cinderella lost a glass slipper as she left the ball at midnight. But did it fall off her right foot or left foot?
Left foot
What house at Hogwarts did Severus Snape belong to as a student?
How many years was Steve Rogers trapped under the ice?
66 years
Gandalf destroys what after the Battle of the Hornburg?
Saruman's army
What Admiral in the rebellion, a member of the Mon Calamari race, famously exclaimed “It’s a trap!” during the climactic space battle at the end of “Return Of The Jedi?”
Admiral Ackbar
The handsome prince in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves is probably the most mysterious out of all the Disney princes. What is his name?
Prince Florian
Which magical plant does Harry use to breathe underwater in ‘The Goblet of Fire’?
Which MCU regular was not in Captain America: Civil War?
Nick Fury
How many rings (Great Rings) were given to the race of Men?
Nine rings for mortal men doomed to die
Sure to mess up Star Wars Day, 63.4% of Texas tornadoes between 1951 and 2016 struck during what month of the year?
What is the name of the duet between Rapunzel and Flynn Rider as they sit in a boat with floating lanterns hovering around them?
"I See The Light"
What is the core material of Harry’s wand?
Pheonix Feather
What video game does Thor get addicted to in Avengers: Endgame?
In "The Fellowship of the Ring", the witch king easily evades a torch held by who?
Aragorn (Strider)
The Empire Strikes Back hit theaters during Memorial Day Weekend in 1980. That same week, an iconic horror film opened but had a relatively weak opening box office because it was counter-programmed against the Star Wars installment. What was this Jack Nicholson-starring horror film?
The Shining
You know the little human girl from Monsters, Inc. as Boo, but what is her more human name?
Who is the author of ‘The Tales of Beedle the Bard’?
Beedle the Bard
What is the name of the call sign Carol Danvers and Maria use in Captain Marvel?
After being crowned king, who did Aragorn bow before?
The four hobbits
What bipeds, native to the forest moon of Endor, play a major role in the destruction of the second death star in Return of the Jedi?