What did Huck, Tom, and Jim go down when they made sure everybody was asleep?
the lightning rod
What does Uncle Silas suggest took the spoons?
True or False: Jim gets out of his chains
False; a part of Tom's "plan" is for Jim to remain in the chains
Who is the character that calls Tom "Mars Tom"?
"I'm his mother. I'll hook a gown from Aunt Sally"
Tom Sawyer
What did Jim do when he woke up and saw Huck and Tom standing over him?
He cried, called them "honey"
Where was the pie cooked?
In the woods
What does Tom keep trying to relate Jim's situation as a "prisoner" to?
A book
Who writes all the "nonnamous" letters?
"It ain't no use, it can't be done. What you reckon I better do? Can't you think of no way?"
What did Nat do when he sees the hounds?
He hollered "Witches!" and groaned like he was dying
What does Uncle Silas find in his hat?
The Nail
What does Tom design for Jim?
A coat of arms
Who is the slave that feeds Jim?
"Ther's a spoon gone; and THAT ain't all. There was ten, and now ther's only nine"
Aunt Sally
Name two items Tom stole from the house
A pewter spoon, a brass candle stick, six tallow candles, three tin plates
What nice thing does Tom do to repay Uncle Silas for helping him?
He plugs all the holes in the cellar
What does Tom ask Huck to get for Jim to write on?
A grindstone
Who is the man that prays with Jim in his hut?
Uncle Silas
"Jim's right, anyway, when he says he ain't got no coat of arms, because he ain't"
Huck Finn
Because Tom is having fun, he thinks Jim's escape is like...
Hint: What does Tom consider Jim's escape to be?
A game
Where do Huck and Tom hide the spoons and nail?
In Aunt Sally's apron
Name one thing that Tom asks if he can bring into Jim's hut.
Spider, snakes, rats
Who is suspisocus of all the missing spoons?
Aunt Sally
"Geewhillikins," ________ says, "but what does the rest of it mean?"
Huck Finn