What is imagination simplified?
Think- combine ideas- is it reality or fantasy- and knowing the difference
What is reality?
Reality is facing things that happen to us
How can you show maturity?
By deciding who you are and what you want to be, it all starts with you
What do we need to do to make key decisions?
Ask yourself some questions
What must we be willing to do when making decisions?
Accept the consequences whether they be positive or negative
Where does fantasy /dreams take place?
In the imagination
How do we face things that happen to us?
By creating steps and options
How else can you show maturity?
By planning and making goals toward what you want to be
What kind of questions should I be asking myself?
Is it right or wrong?
If your not sure whats right or wrong what can I do?
Ask someone you trust for thier opinion before making your final decision
What are the benefits of fantasy?
Setting goals, planning for future, motivates you to act and take the necessary steps, and motivates you to succeed
With reality you make choices then:
Put actions behind your choices
You can show maturity also by:
Taking action toward those goals you made
Name another key question we should be asking ourselves?
Is it lawful
What is REM sleep?
Sleep that heals the body
What are some problems you may face with fantasy?
Not willing to wait for it, work for it, or let it go when it's not working for you
How do we create steps and options?
By brainstorming and planning with the help of others
You feel clarity of mind when you:
Work on changes you need in your life to attain that goal and Proving who you are to yourself and others, then seeing the results
Another key question is:
Does it meet societties expectations
What is NREM sleep?
It is a sleep where we get our dreams / nightmares/visions
Fanasty is unrealistic and can cause people to:
Causes people to get stuck in a world where there is no change- no hope
End up living in a fantasy world instead of a reality world
When you put actions toward your choices it brings:
Brings clarity and peace of mind
What happens when we want in life isn't working, no matter how hard I try?
Then it is time to let this idea go and move on to something else
What else should we be asking ourselves?
What are the positive and negative consequences
What are coincidental dreams?
These dreams are a combination of thoughtsyou had the previous day that tend to fit together at night and makes sense- write them down