
What is the meaning of 'ponos' in the word hydroponics and state the language of origin.

Ponos means work and it's language of origin is Latin 


How much water can hydroponics save compared to traditional farming when growing tomatoes?

Hydroponics can save approximately 144 liters of water to grow 1 kilogram of tomatoes compared to traditional farming.

Saves up to 90% more water than traditional farming methods


What are some types of plants that can be grown using a hydroponics system?

Kale, lettuce, basil, parsley, thyme are some examples


List any two types of growing media that can be used in a hydroponics system.

Cocopeat, Rockwool and expanded clay


Name any element of the NPK blend.

Two elements start with potassium......

Potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate, ammonium phosphate, boric acid and iron


State any two types of hydroponics systems 

Types Include: Deep water culture, ebb and flood aka flood and drain method, nutrient film technique, aeroponics, drip system, wick system to name a few


What do plants require in order to grow

Light, water, air, nutrients such as calcium, nitrate, Magnesium sulphate


In what ways can a hydroponics system be efficient?

1. Less Water usage/consumption 2. Space utilization 3.faster plant growth 4. Use of less harsh herbicides and pesticides


Describe two benefits financially of having or using a vertical hydroponics system

1. Reduced water and fertilizer costs

2. Use of less growing media and nutrients

2. Year round production

3.High yields = high profits


How do we test the acidity level in a hydroponics system

We can use a regular ph test or TDS aka total dissolved solids which test the amounts of minerals and salts in the nutrient solution


Which technique involves recirculating a nutrient solution in a shallow stream past plant roots?

The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) involves recirculating a shallow stream of nutrient solution past plant roots.


The ______________   and  _________________ system is run on a timer.  It fills with water, then slowly drains after the water washes across the roots.  It then fills again and repeats the cycle.

*I rhyme with flow

Ebb and flow


Plants with larger roots can be cultivated with this type of hydroponics.

It's not Deep water culture but N.....

Nutrient Film technique 


Is water temperature important in a hydroponics system?

Yes, water temperature is very important. The best water temperature is 60-73 degrees. Anything above or below these numbers may result in root problems or bacterial infections


This type of system is irrigated twice per day for about two minutes and is very water and fertilizer efficient.

*We prepared it today 

Vertical Hydroponics system 
