In what region of America was the practice of slavery common?
The south
what is a slave code
laws in the south that controlled enslaved people
was marriage legalized amoung enslaved people
Who led an upbringing in Virginia?
Nat Turner
What is yomen?
a farmer with a small group of land
Why did white southerners fear for slaves to be educated?
They thought that educated slaves would start start a revolt.
what was the name of Harriet Tubman's journey
The underground rail round
what was the underground railroad
the trail slaves followed to be lead to freedom conducted by Harriet turban
what factor controlled the price of cotton
the season
what was the goal of a slave code
to prevent rebellion and revolt
what would happen if a slave holder sold the guardian of a child
a friend or relative would have to watch over them
what was the estimated deaths from the upbringing in Virginia
55 deaths
what kind of buildings were commonly formed in the south by freed slaves
Church's and institutions
was was required for a enslaved Person to leave the property
a hand written pass
In what year did Congress ban the importation of enslaved people?
In 1808
In 1831
what topic did the south lack in education
Name two or more slave codes
could not gather in large groups
could not learn to read or write
enslaved people needed proof to to leave the propertie
when was the importation of slaves banned by Congress
who planed a revolt in south Carolina and why did it fail
Denmark Vesey, it failed because his supporters betrayed him