Two methods of AP invoice entry
What are direct SAP entry via FV60 or via Quadrate/Data Workbench?
Doc Type for catering invoices
Abbreviation used for Reclasses
What is "Rcl"?
The number of digits needed for the posting period
What are two digits?
Doc type for General Journal entries
What is VA?
The information entered in the Reference column/cell
What is the Invoice Number?
The method used by accountants to upload AR Invoices to SAP
What is Quadrate/Data Workbench?
The number of digits in a GL Account
What are six digits?
Format/ Info needed in the Doc Header Text
What is FA Associate's First Name, Last Name, and Phone Extension?
(ex. Erin Nowell x6393)
Doc type for Month-end Accruals
What is TC?
Format/Info needed in the (Line Item) "Text" cell
What is "SAP assigned vendor number - SAP assigned vendor name"?
The piece of information entered in the Reference and Assignment Number columns/cells
What is the Invoice Number?
Verb that should be used when moving line items between units
What is "Xfr" / "Transfer"?
Information needed in the "Reference" area
What is the department identifier, posting period, and journal entry number?
(ex. FAS05-9876)
The posting date must be in the current period unless it is this time of the month
Month-end Close
Format/Info needed in the Assignment
What is "Unit Number-Period-Week"? (Ex., 12345-9-5)
Two parts needed in the Doc Header Text cell
What is the full name of the associate creating the entry followed by the sequence number (ex., John Smith-1)
True or False?
The (Line Item) "Text" has a maximum of 40 characters
What is False?
The template used to park Quadrate/ Data Workbench entries with validations
What is FV50 PARK GJ - Validations?
The reversal doc type of a TC reversing entry
What is TD?
Three parts needed in the Doc Header Text cell
What are Cost Center #, FA Associate's First Initial and Last Name, and the Sequence # (ex., 21657-J Smith-2)
This letter indicates a Credit on the P&L, while this letter indicates a Debit on the P&L.
H, S
On the Journal Entry template, this appears when the cost center is entered
What is the Company Code?
The maximum number of characters in the "Assignment" column
What are 18 characters?
Doc type used by BA for Inventory Adjustments
What is VC?