American Revolution Fashion
Gibbon House
Victorian Fashion

During the time of the American Revolution, what was the movement women participated in which they made their own clothing, rather than import from England?

What is the Homespun Movement?


Name at least one of the ladies who lived in the Gibbon House during it's time as a home.

Hannah Wood, Mrs. Nicholas Gibbon


Brrrr! It's a little chilly outside. What kind of garment would a Victorian era woman be reaching for to stave off the chill while she promenades with her mans?

What is a shawl?

Women, like men, had many opportunities to perform different types of jobs, not exclusively childrearing. What was another important job women held in the 19th century?

Spinning/soap making/weaving


What was the material that aprons were most commonly made out of?

What is Blue checked gingham or muslin?


18th century dresses are notorious for being poofy and wide. What material was worn beneath a women's skirt to make it appear wider and more full?

What is a petticoat?


What area of the house would the lady typically reside?

What is the parlor?


To the Victorians, black dress could symbolize mourning. But as with most things, there was much more to Victorian mourning than simply wearing black. What type of jewelry and other items were women allowed to wear during any period of mourning?

None! Everything had to be incredibly simple and bare bones to show that you were in mourning.


What is a crucial step in the bread making process that has to occur before it is baked?

What is proofing/letting the bread rise?


Fashion was as important to society as how you spoke and acted in your daily life. What are some indicators of society that fashion was used to highlight?

Wealth, status, occupation, personality.


During the American Revolution, use of certain fabrics had to diminish because of the inability to access them due to the ongoing revolution and subsequent independence. What type of fabric was unable to be acquired by the patriots?



What occupation did Nicholas Gibbon hold during his life?

What is merchant?

Following the end of the American Revolution, fashion was quickly changing, as were the volume of women's dresses. What were the new, slimmer dresses ladies were wearing called?

What is empire waist gowns?

What cooking instrument was used during this period in the hearth to prepare bread?

What is the dutch oven?


What fabric was considered to be the most comfortable for hot weather, especially favored by ladies who lived on plantations?



What type of clothing did militia men wear during the first few years of the American Revolution?

What is their own civilian clothing from home?


Who in the house would've spent the most time in the hearth?



During the time of the American Revolution, a lot of women made their dresses appear wider with the use of petticoats. Those were discarded in favor of slimmer gowns for a time, but the trend of wide gowns returned during the 1850s and 1860s. What was the name of the item that was used to make the skirts appear larger?

What is hoops?


What was one frequent occupation for women during the 18th century, particularly in cities like Philadelphia and D.C.?

Boardinghouse owner/landlord


What is the one stitch we covered that is more decorative than practical?

What is chain stitch?


Many upper class women still entertained and held balls during the time of the Revolution. What types of women forewent the most expensive gowns and other articles of clothing in order to save money to help their men who were fighting?

Who were country women?

Which materials dictate the value of a home during the 18th century?

What is glass/windows?


Even ladies hair became an important part of their wardrobe at the end of the 1790s. What was the name for what came into fashion at the turn of the century for women's hair?

What is dressing the hair?


In what year did New Jersey rescind women's right to vote?

When is 1807?

Breadmaking was a staple activity of women during the 18th century. What type of flour did the lower classes use when making their bread?

Whole wheat flour
