How many stores does Zara have?
Over 3,000.
What does it mean to be "in fashion"?
Alex will judge the response but mostly it means something along the lines of: popular and considered to be attractive at the time in question.
What is one problem associated with fast fashion?
The quality of the clothing is very low.
When people stop using the clothing it often goes into the trash.
The clothing takes a lot of resources to produce.
What is the name of the founder of Zara?
Amancio Ortega
What is one popular fashion trend right now?
High waisted pants, Y2K fashion, pleather, ballet core, etc.
What harmful substance is in the fabric used in fast fashion?
Microplastics and plastics.
Is Zara considered fast fashion, why or why not?
What is the definition of fast fashion?
Clothes that are quickly and cheaply produced, often with very low quality.
What are two ways you can be more sustainable?
List ideas.
How many pieces of clothing does Zara manufacture every year?
450 million garments each year.
Name three fast fashion brands that were shown.
Look at slide.
What are some alternatives to throwing clothes away?
Donating, selling second hand, upcycling, using the fabric as towels, sewing materials, make something new, do an art project, give the clothing to a friend or younger sibling.