What the text is mostly about
What is -the Central idea
Why the author composes the text
what is the purpose?
The lesson or moral of the story
What is theme?
Different ways of persuading a reader to agree with the author
What are rhetorical appeals
Using First, Second, Third in an essay
What is Chronological Order?
Ways in which information is organized in a text
What is Text Structure
Three types of Authors' Purpose
Daily Double:
pick up to the total points you have
What are to inform, to entertain and to persuade?
How the theme is developed in story
Double Points
What is throughout the entire text?
To convince using logic
What is logos
Explaining the recent house fire and how it occurred
Double Points
What is cause and effect?
Where the Central Idea is located
What is, in the first paragraph of the text?
New article talking about the weather forecast for Monday
What is to inform?
Drives the characters actions in the plot and necessary for there to be a theme.
What is Conflict
Appealing to an audience using the ethics of right and wrong. Values, Morals
What is Ethos?
Explaining how to make a triple layered chocolate cake
What is description?
Ways to identify the Central Idea
What are, by looking at the text features, determining to topic, asking yourself, "what about the topic?" and then reading the first paragrph?
A story about a boy who lost his way home and in trying to figure out the right road meets a wise old man who tells him a mythical story about a magic carpet that will show him the way.
What is to entertain?
The location in the plot where the theme is realized
What is at the start of the Falling action, right after the Climax?
Trying to persuade an (audience) by explaining that, feeding children an apple a day may lower their chance of being sick.
Who are parents?
What is pathos?
An article by a well know Oncologist that speaks about the issues of cancer and new break through medicine.
What is problem and Solution?
The differences between Central idea and Theme
Double Points
What is, a theme is not realized until the story is almost over. It is developed throughout the text by the characters handling of the conflict. The central idea is located at the beginning and then is supported with evidence throughout the text. Theme is a moral or lesson and Central idea is what the text is mostly about.
Theme is found in literary text and Central idea is found in informational text?
An article detailing the bad effects of eating fast food.
It includes a guide to eating healthy that details instructions on how to make a veggie burger. What is the structure of the guide.
What are to persuade and description?
The way to recognize a theme in a story.
Daily Double
Pick up to the total amount of points you have
What is identify the conflict, then determine how the characters are reacting to the conflict and what they realize at the outcome or solving of the conflict?
Target is running a sale for 30% off all electronics that ends Sunday. Her daughter is in need of batteries for her hearing aids and she is concerned about not being able to hear in class so she urges her mom to go before Sunday.
What is Pathos?
An article listing things that are similar and different about the Honda Accord and the Toyota Camry.
What is Compare and Contrast?