A literary device that uses words or phrases to be humorous, exaggerate, or create emotion -not literal meaning.

What is Figurative language?


The 3 elements to the art of persuasion are known as...

What is Rhetorical Appeals?


"Hey, David—wait," Nevaeh said, but he didn't turn around. He hadn't even looked at her! She watched as he walked down the hall to his locker. He spun the dial on the lock, yanked the door open, and grabbed a pile of books and papers. He slammed the door shut and then ran off, scowling. Nevaeh remembered that today had been his audition for the school musical. What inference can you make from the paragraph?

What is B? David is unhappy with his audition.


He was as hungry as a bear.

What is a simile?


"Bursting through the door, the flustered mother screamed uncontrollably at the innocent teacher who gave her child an F."

What is a angry?


An idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

What is a Connotation?


Writers or speakers connect their thinking to the reader's or audience's ethical or moral beliefs.

What is Ethos. 


Which point of view does the narrator use in the passage?

Brian shrugged. . . .

But it ate at him. What they were going to do proved nothing. They were playing a game and it struck him that Derek did that—his whole life was that. He knew it was unfair to think of the man that way—he didn't, after all, know him very well. But he acted that way. Like it was all a game and Derek was approaching this whole business that way. Just a game.

What is the third person?


Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

What is Metaphor? 


the author’s attitude or feeling toward a subject (can be more than one).

What is Tone?


the movement from one event to another or the changes in the characters' understanding.

What is Develop?


Since all humans are mortal, and I am human, then I am mortal.

What is Deductive Reasoning?


Experts in emergency preparedness recommend that families practice fire drills at home. Here's what's involved: First, discuss what each family member would do in case of a fire. Make sure that everyone knows the locations of the exits they should use in the event of a fire. Second, make sure that all smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are in working order, and make sure that someone knows how to use them. Third, practice using fire-escape ladders if you will need them. Fourth, establish a place where family members will meet up in the event of a fire. This could be a neighbor's house or other nearby location. Finally, conduct a complete fire drill, exiting the house and using the equipment you'd need in a real fire.

Which organizational structure does this text primarily use?

What is sequential? 


On the sand banks the rabbits sat as quietly as little gray, sculptured stones.

What is a Simile?


Before long, I heard a slight groan, and I knew it was the groan of mortal terror. It was not a groan of pain or of grief—oh, no! it was the low smothered sound that arises from the bottom of the soul when overburdened with awe. I knew the sound well.

What is horrified?


A conclusion or opinion based on information that is given, and that is sometimes called an educated guess.

What is Inference?


“When I went outside this morning, the grass was completely covered with dew. It must have rained last night.”

What is Abductive reasoning?


Review the passage. The simile is shown in bold.

The next morning she was cheered by the rising sun. It shone like a red penny through the mist. She woke Mary, and they walked through the silvery dew to the dugout. It was tied beside the airboat, a flat boat with a motorized fan that "blew" passengers across the saw grass in the watery prairie the Indians called the pa-hay-okee. She looked at the airboat, which carried the children to the Indian school on Big Cypress Reservation and the men to islands to hunt and fish.

What is the effect of the simile on the passage's meaning or tone?

What is excitement?  


Judge Taylor looked daggers at Atticus, as if daring him to speak.

What is Idiom?


There was an unspeakable aroma of forty or fifty men who have little motivation to wash themselves, and who soak some of the grease out of their clothes in buckets of hot water on Saturday afternoons. And clinging to it all was the smell of dried, stale wool—the stink of rams!
What word would you use to describe the tone of this passage?

What is disgusted?


A portion of a text or passage

What is Excerpt ?


My dog likes to play fetch, and my neighbor's dog also likes to play fetch. Maybe all dogs like to play fetch. 

What is Inductive reasoning? 


Select the metaphor in the passage.

Kusiq glanced back to make sure Lincoln was still on the snow machine and blew his warm breath into the wolverine fur on his parka hood. The fur held the warmth and made a tropical climate around his face. Kusiq was comfortably warm. Lincoln was not. In the short distance he had come, his face was aching with cold.

What is the fur held the warmth and made a tropical climate around his face.?


When I was a teenager, reading was my ticket to foreign lands: I traveled to India, China, and Antarctica without ever leaving the comfort of my home.

What is a Metaphor?


A group of sailors set sail on a long voyage. They brought along a monkey to keep them company. After several weeks at sea, there was a terrible storm. The choppy waves tossed around the small ship, and both the sailors and the monkey were thrown into the sea.

A dolphin saw the monkey in the water and rescued him. The dolphin swam to a nearby island, carrying the monkey on her back. When they arrived at the island, the dolphin asked, "Have you been here before?"

The monkey said, "Yes, I have. Actually, I am the king of this island." Of course, that was not true. In fact, no one lived on the island at all.

The dolphin replied, "Good. Then you no longer need me." And she swam off, leaving the monkey stuck on the island.

What is the main theme or lesson of the fable?

What is, Boasting and lying can get you into trouble.
