Central Idea & Theme
Point of View
Plot & Argument
Figurative Language

What is the difference between central idea and theme?

Central idea is the specific topic and points of a story. Theme is a universal lesson or takeaway not specific to the story.


What are the 4 POVs?

1st, 2nd, 3rd-limited, 3rd-omniscient


Which of the following is not a type of text structure?

A. Debatable

B. Problem & Solution

C. Description

D. Compare & Contrast

A. Debatable


Read the sentence below and tell whether it is a claim, evidence or reason.

Summer is the most fun and stress free season of the year.

A. Claim

B. Evidence

C. Reason

A. Claim

Give an example of an onomatopoeia

An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a noise or sound


Which two of the following are examples of a theme?

A. The narrator felt survivor's guilt.

B. Never be greedy.

C. Maui was always getting into trouble with his family.

D. People are basically good at heart

B. Never be greedy

D. People are basically good at heart


What is the effect of reading a story in first person POV?

A. It helps the readers feel connected to the setting.

B. It puts the reader "in the character's shoes."

C. It makes the story easier to read.

D. There is no difference in effect between POVs.

B. It puts the reader "in the character's shoes."


The following prompt follows which type of text structure?

Kim and Tom have different tastes in music and food; however, they both like to dance. both like to dance. Unlike dogs, cats are lap animals.

A. Sequential

B. Problem & Solution

C. Description

D. Compare & Contrast

D. Compare and Contrast


What is the best definition of plot?

A. Main conflict of the story

B. Sequence of related events

C. Builds interest

D. Turning point in the story

B. Sequence of related events


In the following passage, roses symbolize what?

When he handed her the red rose he picked from the garden, she blushed.

A) Roses make people mad since they're red.

B) Roses symbolize romance.

C) Roses mean sadness.

D) Roses are flowers, they symbolize nothing.

B) Roses symbolize romance.


Which two of the following examples of central idea?

A. The fox was very sneaky and stole the bread.

B. The man gave a speech about the importance of education.

C. Be grateful for what you have.

D. Don't give up on your dreams.

A. The fox was very sneaky and stole the bread.

B. The man gave a speech about the importance of education.


There is no dialogue in a story told from Third-Person Point of View.

A. True

B. False



The following prompt follows which type of text structure?

An oil spill causes crude oil to spill into the water. Due to this, many plants and animals in the water died.

A. Cause & Effect

B. Problem & Solution

C. Description

D. Compare & Contrast

A. Cause and Effect


What is the climax in the Anne Frank play?

A. The Hannukah celebration.

B. Meeting Mouchi the cat.

C. Anne setting up her room.

D. Mr. Dussel's arrival.

A. The Hannukah celebration.


The simile I bolted out the door like a horse leaving the gate for a race shows the reader...

A. ...how scared the speaker was

B. ...that the speaker really enjoys horse racing 

C. ...how quickly the speaker was moving

D. ...that the speaker was late for a meeting

C. ...how quickly the speaker was moving


What is the theme of the passage below?

Tim hated his old baseball glove. He wanted to play with a new glove, but he didn't have any money, so he decided to steal it. But when Tim got caught stealing the glove, his parents said he couldn't play baseball all summer.

A. Tim wanted a new glove.

B. If you want something, you should work for it.

C. Stealing is a good idea.

D. Tim lost his privilege of playing baseball.

B. If you want something, you should work for it.


Which one of these is NOT an example of 3rd person omniscient POV?

A. Bob thought he could do a 1000-piece puzzle but Phil knew he couldn't.

B. Katie likes the color orange but Ella does not.

C. Once you are done cooking the potatoes start on the green beans.

C. Once you are done cooking the potatoes start on the green beans.


What is the author's purpose of the following descriptive passage? 

TC Gold is the best teacher ever! She is always on time and always helps out before and after school. These are only a few reasons why she should receive an award.

A. It is entertaining the audience with jokes. 

B. It is informing the audience of what TC does after school. 

C. It is persuading the reader by giving stating an opinion and giving examples as to why that opinion is correct.

D. It is describing what good teachers look like.

C. It is persuading the reader by giving stating an opinion and giving examples as to why that opinion is correct.


What is the general mood set in the Anne Frank play?

A. Hopeful, Joyous

B. Funny, Unserious

C. Sad, Stressful

D. Happy, Exciting

C. Sad, Stressful


What type of figurative language is used in this sentence?

Her head was so full of ideas that it was ready to burst wide open.

A) personification
B) metaphor
C) hyperbole
D) alliteration

C) hyperbole


Which of the following options best support the theme, "Bad things sometimes happen to good people"

A. "Otto Frank was one day a wealthy family man; the next day a criminal."

B. "Anne was confused about her feelings for Peter."

C. "Mr. Dussel was a terrible roommate, always complaining"

D. "Anne wrote in her diary each day about her experience in the attic."

A. "Otto Frank was one day a wealthy family man; the next day a criminal."


Third-person limited and third-person omniscient are similiar in that . . .

A. in both the narrator uses the pronouns I, me, my, and we,

B. the narrator focuses on one characters thoughts and feelings.

C. the narrator focuses only the characters actions and dialogues.

D. the narrator is outside the story and uses the pronouns she, her, him and they to refer to the characters.

D. the narrator is outside the story and uses the pronouns she, her, him and they to refer to the characters.


What type of logical fallacy does the following passage present?

If I don’t take this AP class, then I won’t do well on the exam. If I don’t do well on the AP exam, then I can’t get into a good college. If I can’t get into a good college, then I’ll never get a good job. If I can’t get a good job, then I’m going to have to live in my parents’ basement forever. Guess I’ll sign up for the AP class.

A. Red Herring

B. Slippery Slope

C. Hasty Generalization

D. Ad Hominem

B. Slippery Slope


How does the setting of the Anne Frank play best impact the plot?

A. The attic was the safe haven for the family, essential to their survival.

B. The setting made the story feel happy.

C. The attic was a convenient place for them to hide, and did not cause problems.

D. The plot was unaffected by the setting.

A. The attic was the safe haven for the family, essential to their survival.


What is the meaning of the following allusion?

"I’m the Juliet to your Romeo."

Two people are in love, as Romeo and Juliet are in the famous Shakespeare play.
