What do you say when...?

Name 10 countries + nationalities + colours of their flags

France, French: red, white, blue

Tell 5 things about a person on your left.

His name is James. He is from London. He doesn't like cooking, but he always eats in restaurants. He is a very kind person.


you meet a person for the first time? (5 questions)

How are you? What's your name? Where are you from? What do you do? What do you like doing in your free time?


A personal introduction:
1. name/surname
2. nationality, country, city
3. email address + phone number
4. job
5. languages

Hi, or 'Hallo' in German. I'm Rita Petersen and I'm from Germany. I'm a businesswoman with Volkswagen. I speak German and English in my job. I'm from Berlin, the capital city of Germany. Berlin is a big city with a mix of old and new buildings. The countryside in Germany is beautiful, with mountains and rivers.


_____ time _____ the gym close?

what, does


Name 10 jobs

a cleaner, a cook, a hotel manager, a nurse, an office worker, a police officer, a receptionist, a shop assistant,  a teacher, a programmer


What are your plans for tomorrow? (5 things)

I'm going to the cinema with my friend, after that we're going to have dinner ...


1. ordering in a cafe (3 phrases)
2. serving a client (3 phrases)

1. Can I have ...? How much is that? Here you are.

2. Can I help you? Anything else? Still or sparkling?

what do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and dinner

bread - I always have sandwiches for lunch, and I need bread for sandwiches.
cheese - A cheese sandwich is easy to make...


A: Is ____ your car over there?
B: Yes, it is. And ____ are my children in the car. Come and say hi.

that, those


Name 15 objects that can be put in a bag

a credit card, a wallet, a pencil, a book, a laptop, a mobile phone, a bottle of water, keys, camera, a watch, a keychain, a ring, a notebook, a tablet, coins


Tell 6 things about yourself. (to be + like + can't/can + always/never)

I am a teacher and I like speaking English. I can't swim, but I can play the guitar very well. I always drink tea and never smoke.


giving directions? (8 prepositions)

 next to, in front of, behind, under, above, on the left/right, opposite, over there


a description of your five family members

My name is Melis. I'm twenty-nine. I'm Turkish and I'm a doctor in Izmir. There are five important people in my life:

Talya is my best friend from university.

She's twenty-eight and she's from Ankara.

She's an actress.


___ ____ a restaurant in the hotel?

Is, there


Name 15 clothes 

a coat, a jacket, a dress, trousers, a skirt, a T-shirt, a tie, trainers, gloves, glasses, socks, a belt, boots, a scarf, a cap

What is there to visit and see in Minsk? (10 places)

There are a lot of parks and alleys, for example Gorky Park...


buying a train ticket? (4 things to ask about)

price, time of arrival and departure, platform, single or return

Tell about one of your favourite memories:
When was it? Who was there? What happened?



A: I ____ a friend in a café yesterday.
B: Who ____ you ____ ?

did, meet/see


Name 15 money words

cash, a cash machine, change, cheque, receipt, a coin, a credit card, a bank, invest, waste, spend, earn, inherit, wallet, currency

What 10 things did you do yesterday?

I woke up, looked into the mirror, washed my face, had breakfast, went to work, ate an apple...


you see these times:
1. 8:30
2. 10:15
3. 22:45
4. 9:00
5. 11:55

1. half past 8
2. a quarter past 10
3. a quarter to 11
4. 9 o'clock sharp
5. 5 to 12


Describe your most useful possession:
•Where did you get it?
•Where is it now?
•What do you do with it?
•Why do you like it?

My most useful possession is my bike. My friends gave it to me for my eighteenth birthday. It's a 1990s TREK 720. It's now twenty years old but I like it because it's good in all types of weather. It's also good in the city. I ride it to work every day and I keep it in the street near my workplace. At home I keep it in the garden. It's not new, but it's a fantastic little bike.


A: What ____ we _____ to do at the weekend?

B: We ____ _____ a film or _____ in the park together.

are, going
can, watch, walk
