One week of unpaid leave
What is the General Rule in regards to Paternity Leave?
What do Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Home Depot, Verizon, Dell, Reddit, Iron Workers Union, and Adobe have in common?
Who are some of the companies with the best paternity leave policies.
Is Google one of the top 15 companies leading the way with paid maternity leave?
What is NO
McDonalds, Walgreens, Kohls, SuperValu, Poctor & Gamble have this in common.
Who are the worst employees for family leave.
What percentage of men in the US take less than a week off work for Paternity Leave
What is 75%
What is Paternity leave?
The period of time when a father stops working working because he is about to or has had/adopted a baby
In 2010 this Africian country introduced two (2) weeks of paternity leave.
Who is Gambia?
Is Amazon one of the top 15 companies leading the way with paid maternity leave?
What is NO
Who is the top country providing paternity leave?
Canada! Providing up to 35 weeks to be shared by both mother and father.
What is a benefit to fathers when taking Paternity leave (get one of the top 5)?
1) It improves Mom-Dad relationships
2) It benefits the work place
3) It lets dads like being dads
4) It benefits kids early on and for life
5) It gives mommy time for a nap
41% of American workforce provides paid paternity leave to SOME workers.
9% of American workforce provide paid paternity leave to ALL workers.
What percentage of companies provide paid paternity leave to SOME workers vs ALL workers?
What well-used television APP allows Father's UNLIMITED LEAVE throughout the first year after birth?
As of September 2018 What are two of the top 15 companies with paid paternity leave?
What is Spotify,, Etsy, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EY, Dell, Adobe, Reddit, Johnson & Johnson, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, Iron Workers Union, and
TD Bank,
What do China, India, South Sudan, and the U.S. have in common?
They are among 92 countries where NO national policy that allows dads to take paid time off of work to care for newborns.
What is the number one reason why men don't take maternity leave?
What is it isn't offered
1,240 hours over a period of 12 months
How long must an employee/father work to qualify for Family Medical Leave Act?
California (2004)
New Jersey (2009)
Rhode Island (2014)
New York (2018)
Who are States that have PAID parental leave?
What US States are leading the way in Paternity Leave benefits for men and women (name one of the five)?
What is California, New Jersey, Rhode Island, New York, Washington - law doesn't go into affect until 2020
What makes Asia stand out the most?
Japan and South Korea offer one (1) year of paid leave is available for the father but few take advantage of it.
What are some other reasons why men don't take maternity Leave (get one of the next three)?
2) can't afford to
3) Perception
4) Looming deadlines or projects
5) afraid of being replaced or passed over
What Africian country introduced one (1) week of paternity leave in 2008?
Who is Mauritius.
What U.S. country who offers their municipal workers paternity leave from 5 to 20 days of PID leave for the fathers?
Who is San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Does Washington DC offer paid maternity leave for both men and women?
What is yes
In 2010 this African country introduced four (4) days of paternity leave?
What is Rwanda.
What percentage of fathers who have taken paternity leave report a positive experience among co-workers and the office?
what is 80 percent