Now, I've heard there was a secret chord That ......... played, and it pleased the Lord
What 3 Brands do we carry
Komatsu, Bomag and Takeuchi
How did i meet your mom
The Strand
Name my 4 favorite teams
Celtics, Bucs, Red Sox, and Canadiens
The best thing about being a woman Is the...... ................... a little fun
prerogative to have
What does Komatsu mean
Little pine tree
Where was our reception?
Battery Hotel
What are my two favorite sports to play
Golf and Hockey
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring One more look and I ......................................
forget everything
What machine would you use to dig a basemenet
An excavator
What pets did my family have?
Bird and Cat
Name a fly that I would use when fishing
Blue Charm
It's a beautiful day ....................... It's a beautiful day Don't let it get away
Sky falls, you feel like
Name one of our customers
Pennecon, Johnsons, Marine others
Where was i Born
Have I ever been in an accident?
2 times
Nobody said it was easy Oh it's such a shame for us to part Nobody said it was easy ............................... I'm going back to the start
No one ever said it would be so hard
How many years have i been at SMS
Where was our first house
What is my ultimate passion
Sports cars