SAC stands for this..
Substance Abuse Counselor
Contestants are sent to an island for 39 days and forced to go through a series of challenges.
Player with the most superbowl rings in NFL history
Tom Brady
First female & POC president in USA history
Kamala Harris
The name of our dog
Odie (aka Odessa Rebecca Guiao Peterson)
The address of Recovery House is..
500 W Hospital Road, French Camp, CA 95231
Starring James Arness and Matt Dillon
Winners of the 2021 SuperBowl
Year the US was founded
This 18 year old pop artist sung the SOUR album
Olivia Rodrigo
What job does Dad hold? (Be specific)
Crime documentary with conflicts between neighbors
Fear Thy Neighbor
What is the Washington Redskin's new name?
the Washington Football Team
Founders of Apple
Steve Jobs & Wonziak
What are apistogrammas?
The highest level of treatment is..
Jeopardy :)
How many teams are in the NFL
Capital of Conneticut
Who established psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud
Recovery House Manager
Features the Krusty Krab and the Chum Bucket
Spongebob Squarepants
When was the NFL Founded?
September 17, 1920
When was Dad born?
September 05, 1959
Voted best anime main character of 2020 (Crunchyroll)
Hinata Shoyo