What does Elsa sing while building her castle?
let it go
who is the fastest and is blue characters?
sonic the hedgehog
''I can see you.....
coming back for more'' TXT
the main meat dish that Americans eat at thanksgiving
name 5 men luluwah loves
someBODY once told me the world was going to roll me i ain't the sharpest tool in the shed...was the opening song to this green guys home
who is the strongest character in Undertale?
Asriel dreemurr
''know that i got that heat......
let me show cause talk is cheap'' BTS
sweet dessert that is baked in the oven and served mostly on birthdays
who is Shahads left dimple
These 4 new York zoo animals end up on an island off the east coast of Africa. a lion, zebra, hippo, and a giraffe.
how many play stations are there?
'' I wanna hold em like they do in Texas please........
fold em let em hit me raise it baby stay with me'' lady gaga
an Italian dish of noodles and red sauce
farah loves this Chinese guy
I'm the king of the world
what year did the Wii come out?
''one kiss is all it takes......
fallin in love with me'' Dua lipa
the worlds largest fast food restaurant famous for their golden arches
hadi loves watching this anime
blue lock
''Hi i have just met you and i already love you''
what is the most popular game for the Nintendo switch?
The legend of Zelda
''I guess you should like the best this one......
big pale blue juice'' hatsune miku
pasta in the shape of pockets of dough containing a savory filling could be meat or cheese
what is fatimas favorite killua move
rhythm echo