What three words describe you best?
The three words that describe me best are...
I like to _______________ outside.
I like to _____________ outside.
What is your favorite school supply?
My favorite school supply is...
What is your favorite thing in your refrigerator?
My favorite thing is...
What is your favorite thing you friend does?
My favorite thing is...
Have you traveled outside of Tennessee before? If so, where?
I have/have not traveled outside of Tennessee...
My favorite ________ is __________.
My favorite __________ is ____________.
What is your favorite subject?
My favorite subject is...
What is your favorite thing your pet does?
My favorite thing is ...
What is your favorite gift a friend gave you?
My favorite gift is...
What is your favorite school activity?
My favorite school activity is...
What is your favorite spot where you live?
My favorite spot is...
If you could be friends with any celebrity, who would it be?
I would be friends with...
If you could have a celebrity as a teacher, who would it be?
A celebrity I would want for a teacher is...
What is your favorite appliance in your house?
My favorite appliance is...
What is one roadtrip you would like to make with a firend?
One roadtrip would be...
What was your favorite sound in the summer?
My favorite sound is...
My two most favorite foods are _______________.
My two most favorite foods are _______ & ________.
What is one holiday you would add to the school year?
One holiday I would add is...
What is your favorite meal of the day?
My favorite meal is...
What is the best gift you have ever given a friend?
My favorite gift was...