What color is Favor’s car?
What is the legal drinking age in the U.S?
Go shorty it’s your birthday…..
What is “we gon party like it ‘s your birthday “
What book is Adam and Eve in
What is...Genesis
This hormone, often called the “love hormone“, is released during romantic moments and helps build strong bonds…
What is oxytocin
What’s Favor biggest pet peeve?
When people are mean to her
At 21 you can legally Enter and gamble in these establishments?
What is casino
See this life thing, yeah
What is….The life is all about understanding, bro
This Shepherd boy defeated a giant with just a stone and sling…
What is David
This chemical compound associated with feelings of love and attraction is sometimes called the.’’feel good hormone”…
What is dopamine
What’s Favor favorite hobby?
At 21 you can rent a car anywhere without extra fees? ( what is true or false?)
What is false
Was it Dani?
What is….who’s callin my phone
Who lost everything
Who is John
When human kiss, this part of the brain is activated, controlling pleasure and reward…
What is limbic system
What’s Favor’s middle name?
In the U.S turning 21 means you can legally grow and consume marijuana, in these two states without restriction?
What is Colorado and Washington?
And it will cover me from now…
What is….Until the day I see my King
Known for being taken up in a whirlwind…
Who is Elijah
This flower, often associated with love, contains a compound that in large amount can be toxic to human and pets….
What is rose
What is Favor thinking about right now?
What is… That I want to sleep
The U.S is one of the few countries with a drinking age of 21. In fact only this many countries worldwide have a minimum drinking age of 21…
What is 12
Who else you thinkin' 'bout?
What is…I can't be callin' your phone every day
What is the scripture on Favor’s cake
This is the day that the lord has made
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
This particular molecule makes chocolate addictive, increasing serotonin levels and triggering pleasure responses in the brain….
What is phenylethylamine (PEA)/ the love molecule.