The only place without a set time zone
What is Antarctica?
Books written by Moses
What are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy?
The youth who travel the furthest to get here each week
Who are Jack and Julia?
He was swallowed by a whale/big fish
Who is Jonah?
The largest living animal
What is the blue whale?
The smallest country in the world
What is Vatican City?
The shortest book in the Bible
What is 3rd John?
The youth leaders related to youth
Who are Heather, Nathan, and Ben?
The strongest man in the Bible
Who is Sampson?
The name of a bird, fruit, and nationality
What is kiwi?
The two countries with the longest shared boarder
What are Canada and the US?
The book(s) that do not mention God
What are Esther and Song of Songs/Solomon?
Copper's birthday
What is October 7th?
He wrestled with God
Who is Jacob?
The colour of a polar bear's skin
What is black?
Book written by a physician
What is Luke?
The only female judge
Who is Deborah?
The number of bones a shark has
What is zero?
The country with the tallest building in the world
What is Dubai?
The name for a group of giraffes
What is a tower?