The Southern Baptist Convention was formed in this year...
This woman tricked Sampson into telling her where his strength came from and how he could lose it.
He was the only Judean among the disciples. The rest were all Gaileans.
This is the town Jesus met Zachaeus in after he had climbed a Sycamore tree.
It is the number of churches that are in the Heartland Baptist Network.
This is where the Southern Baptist Convention was started. It is also where the PGA Tour plays the Masters.
Augusta Georgia
After seeing this her bathe on a rooftop, King David fell in love with this lady.
Jesus bestowed upon him the nickname "Son of Thunder" and is also called the disciple that Jesus loved in John 13:23.
If John would have just done as God asked and went to this city, he may not have had such a "fishy" stay.
This gentleman currently holds the title of Director of Missions for the Heartland Baptist Network.
Greg Alexander
These 2 mission agencies were among the first decisions made by the Southern Baptist Convention.
Foreign Mission Board and the Board of Domestic Missions
This lady is considered to be the Matriarch of Jewish people and gave birth to Isaac at age 99.
This native of Bethsaida partnered with James and John in a fishing business. Later his brother Andrew would bring him to meet Jesus.
These cities could have been considered the Las Vegas or Sin Cities of their time until God reigned down fire and brimstone on them.
Sodom and Gomorrah
There are currently 9 pastors listed for pulpit supply on the Heartland Baptist Network website. This particular Pastor is a former full-time Pastor here at GFBC.
Rev. Milton Bost
The Southern Baptist Convention is not a centralized church like the Roman Catholic Church, instead it is considered a fellowship of these
fellowship of congregations
This lady was the second human created by God from a rib taken from Adam.
Before becoming a disciple, this man's occupation was collecting taxes.
Often considered as a center for merchants and trade in Mesopotamia, this city was where Daniel made some new feline friends...
This team is comprised of 13 members including the Director of Missions, Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Resource Team Leader, Advance Team Leader and 4 At-Large Members. It meets oil the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00pm.
Network Leadership Team
It was differing views of this that created the division off the Northern Baptists and Southern Baptist.
Although still a virgin, she gave birth to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
His name means "twin". It is believed he started a church in India and was killed by being ran through by a spear, ironically, similar to Jesus being pierced by a spear. No reason to doubt it...
Sometimes referred too as the "House of Bread", this ancient city played host to a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes...
The Heartland Baptist Network cover these 5 counties in Central Illinois.
Christian, Mason, Menard, Morgan, and Sangamon