The notes on the SPACES of the Treble Clef
This note gets 1 beat
What is... a quarter note
The decorative piece of wood at the top of the instrument.
What is... the scroll
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What is... forte
What does BOEFFOF stand for?
What is... Bottom On Edge Feet Flat On Floor
Notes on the LINES of the Treble Clef
What is... E G B D F
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This note gets 2 beats
What is... Half note
The long piece of black wood under the strings
What is... the finger board
This term means soft
What is... piano
The side of your chair that your instrument should be on when you come in
What is... the left side
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The four open strings of the Violin
What is... E A D G
This note gets 1/2 a beat
What is... an Eighth note
The part that lets the sounds escape the instrument
What is... F holes
When you go from quiet to loud
What is... crescendo
What is... Guitar
The lowest note a Bass can play
What is... Open E
Which note is faster: a sixteenth note or a whole note?
What is... a sixteenth note
The two parts that help you tune the instrument
What is... fine tuners, and pegs.
When you pluck the strings instead of using the bow
What is... Pizzicato
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This instrument has strings but is not in the string family
What is... Piano
The three strings all strings instruments have in common
What is... A, D , and G
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A dotted half note gets how many beats?
What is... 3 beats
What are the 3 bouts of the instrument?
What are... the Upper bout, C bout, and the Lower bout.
When you play the song again when you get to the end, often shown with two dots.
What is... repeat
The two parts of the instrument that you can NOT touch (bow included)
What is... the hair of the bow, and the pegs