Competitors in this event create a website based on a given topic.
Website Design
This is the largest FBLA conference, held every summer.
National Leadership Conference
This is the highest-ranking officer in a local FBLA chapter.
What do the letters FBLA stand for?
Future Business Leaders of America
The official colors of FBLA.
Blue & Gold
This event requires competitors to give a speech on a randomly selected topi
Impromptu Speaking
Missouri’s state-level competition is called this.
State Leadership Conference
The official title for the officer who manages financial records.
True or False: You must be in high school to be an FBLA member.
You can run for National Office as a freshman.
This event requires participants to sell a product or service to a judge.
Sales Presentation
This conference is required to qualify for SLC.
District Leadership Conference
The Missouri FBLA state officer team consists of this many members.
True or False: You can only compete in one event at FBLA Nationals.
What is the maximum number of members allowed on a Parliamentary Procedure team?
Competitors create and present an innovative app idea.
Mobile App Development
This fall conference is held in different locations and focuses on leadership development.
National Fall Leadership Conference
At FBLA conferences, many people collect and trade these.
The name of FBLA’s official magazine.
A test-only event that covers a variety of math-based business topics.
Business Calculations
The Missouri Fall Leadership Conference is held in this city.
Saint Charles
Who is our chapter Vice President?
Anooj Shah
FBLA Week is celebrated during which month?
The first-ever FBLA chapter was founded in this state.