Who is the Anderson County FFA president?
Tyler Hawkins
What does two taps of the gavel mean?
Calls the meeting to order
In a group of 30 how many are required for a majority vote?
What is the purpose of an amendment?
To change the original motion.
What has to happen before you can state a main motion?
Gain recognition from the chair.
Who is the Anderson County FFA vice President?
Bradley Richardson
What does a series of taps do?
Restores order
What type of vote is called for a motion that limits members rights?
What are the first two words of a main motion?
"I move"
What has to happen for a main motion to be discussed?
The motion requires a second.
Which office is stationed by the door?
The sentinel
What does the gavel symbolize?
The chair's authority
What are two ways to call a vote?
Raise a hand, stand, acclamation, ballot
Can you amend the motion to "lay on the table"?
Who can debate the main motion first?
The person who brought it up.
What officer is stationed by the emblem of Washington?
The treasurer.
How many taps of the gavel are used to announce the result of a vote?
What type of vote is required to refer to a committee?
What does a subsidiary motion do?
It disposes the main motion without a vote on the motion.
What can you do if you want to change the main motion?
Introduce an amendment
What does the plow represent?
Labor and tillage of the soil
FFA members why are we here?
To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.
In a group of 45 how many are needed to pass a 2/3 vote?
What motion would you use to set a motion aside to discuss something more important?
Lay on the table
Correctly amend this motion "I move that school should be 6 days a week instead of 5"
Strike, strike and insert, add
"I move to amend the main motion by striking 6 and inserting 4"