This theory postulates that events in the past are likely to repeat themselves.
What is Cyclical History?
This approach centers on writing history “as it really was” and incorporating the scientific method into the process.
What is the empirical approach to history?
This branch of knowledge deals with past events.
What is History?
Movies like the Davinci Code and Titanic, are examples of not entirely accurate _____ histories.
What are popular histories?
This term describes a situation in which two different understood histories result in conflicts. Ex: Irish Catholic Nationalist History, Israel/Palestine, and claims to South China Sea
What are Opposing Histories?
In this theory, a higher power dictates the course of history.
What is Providential History?
This term relates to questioning the scientific truth of history, and examining new evidence to frame the past or add depth.
What is revisionism?
This type of sources deal with direct evidence about the past; artifacts, diaries, letters, e-mails.
What are Primary Sources?
The opposing versions of history between Israel and Palestine is due to contrasting versions of this type of histories.
What are Nationalist histories?
“The championing of one nation over another, and eliciting of demands for retribution to right past injustices.”
What is the goal of nationalist histories?
This theory postulates that people can work to rid society of past wrongs, we are constantly learning from our mistakes.
What is Progressive History?
The lies told by Johnson and Nixon during the Vietnam War would be an example of what kind of history?
What is Revisionist History?
This type of sources are derived from primary sources, oral or written narratives. Books about a certain topic, reviews and critiques of work.
What are Secondary Sources?
This history has always existed, but until recently has been excluded from the dominant cultural discourse.
What is “ History from below/oppressed”?
This was the result of two countries’ countering claims to Crimean Peninsula.
What is the Russia/Ukraine war (2014)?
Name the three theories of history.
What is Providential, Cyclical, and Progressive?
This approach ascertains that there are no objective histories, and that history is a partial depiction of reality.
What is the postmodernist approach to history?
Term for less accurate narratives of the past that have a greater capacity to influence public opinion.
What is popular history?
This concept relates to the changing of history done by powerful figures to give them a better image.
What is distortion of historical records?
This is the root cause of many international conflicts.
What are contradicting versions of the past?
While aspects of decision-making can be taken from history, true lessons should not be drawn, because history never truly ___ itself.
What is ‘repeats’?
This man devised a political-economic theory of history based on the scientific proof of class conflict.
Who is Karl Marx?
A history of histories; previous histories become primary sources in this case.
What is historiography?
This term refers to the new ideas of openness brought to the Soviet Union by Gorbachev, showing the falsehoods that were present in the nation.
What is Glasnost?
This is the name of the land disputed between India and Pakistan.
What is the Kashmir region?