Material that allows light to pass through
What is transparent?
Objects that make their own light are ________.
What is luminous?
This is a form of energy that travels in waves and that you can see.
What is light?
This carries the image from the eye to the brain.
What is the optic nerve?
The colors of the visible spectrum, in order. (There's a name too help you remember this.)
What are...Roy G Biv...Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet?
Material that does not allow any light to pass through
What is opaque?
The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another.
What is refraction?
A lens that is thin in the middle and thick at the edges.
What is a concave lens?
Opening in the iris that allows light to enter the inside of the eye.
What is the pupil?
A pencil looks broken in a glass of water because of ___________.
What is refraction?
When light strikes a surface and bounces off.
What is reflection?
Objects that can't make their own light are ________.
What is non-luminous?
Energy that has both electrical and magnetic properties.
What is electromagnetic energy?
The part of the eye that refracts light to focus it.
What is the lens?
Colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light that enters the eye.
What is the iris?
Material that allows some light to pass through
What is translucent?
How does light travel?
What is...In transverse waves in straight lines called rays?
A lens that bulges (has a "belly") in the middle, and brings rays of light together and makes objects appear larger.
What is a convex lens?
Transparent, curved covering in the front of the eye.
What is the cornea?
An object that separates white light into the colors of the visible spectrum
What is a prism?
All the colors that make up light are called the ___________. And what is light that people can see?
What is the Visible Spectrum? and What is Visible Light?
A belief system that says that nature is all there is and that the sun started giving off light about 4.5 billion years ago and all this happened naturally by chance.
What is naturalism?
Energy an object has due to the motion in its particles.
What is thermal energy?
White part of the eye that covers the outside of the eye.
What is the sclera?
The back part of the eye where images form.
What is the retina?