How many apostles are there?
How many commandments are there?
What did God do on the first day?
He created light in the darkness.
How many of each animal were on Noah's ark?
2 of each animal.
Which apostle denied Jesus three times?
What is the 5th commandment?
Honor your father and mother.
Which testament has the most books?
Old Testament
What did God do on the seventh day?
Finished his work that he had done and rested.
How long did it rain?
40 days and 40 nights.
Which apostle was crucified upside down?
What is the first commandment?
You shall have no other idols besides God.
What is the order of the Gospel books?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
What did God form man from?
The dust of the ground.
How many people were on Noah's ark?
8 people.
Which apostle doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead?
What is the seventh commandment?
Thou shall not commit adultery.
How many books of the bible did Jesus write?
0, but the bible was inspired by Jesus.
How did God create Eve?
From Adam's rib.
Why did God say Noah had to build an ark?
"The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make yourself an ark..."
How long was Jesus seen with the Apostles following His Resurrection?
40 days
What is the third commandment?
You shall not use the Lord's name in vain.
What is the 10th book of the bible?
2 Samuel
Who told Eve that they would not die but become wise like God?
The serpent.
How long did it take Noah to build the ark?
40-50 years.