Set privacy settings in this environment.
What is an LL + Open Office?
The short-term, immediate danger to self or others.
What is Imminent Danger?
When a student shares this with you.
What is harm someone?
When you update your division's Critical Response Team Google space you add this.
What is the student's ID number only?
A student submits a violent picture in a portfolio and this is seen as.
What is non-imminent danger?
Get to know your students through these.
What are calls, collaboration with other teachers and possible social events?
Reporting must include this and not hearsay.
What is first-hand, real-time reporting?
When you hear this during your phone call.
What is screaming yelling, threatening, cursing, etc.?
When you are running a live lesson and you see a student's caretakers physically fighting you should report it.
What is true?
You have a non-imminent danger situation so you should not do this.
What is ping your School Counselor?
Stay in contact with this person.
Who is your School Counselor?
This is what the student intends to do.
What is cause harm to self or others?
The plan a student shares with you.
What is a suicide plan?
A student turns in a portfolio that says they hate school so you report it.
What is false?
This is what I use when I need a School Counselor to follow up on non-imminent danger.
What is the School Counselor referral form?
Know the difference between these two.
What is Imminent and Non Imminent Dangers?
The apparent perpetrator intends to do this.
What is cause physical, mental, or emotional harm or death?
A student can submit this by discussing hurting themselves, hurting someone else, or being hurt.
What is a portfolio?
This is what you must never do in an imminent danger situation.
What is leave the student alone?
This is who should create a Child Welfare IA.
Who is School Counselor, AMOC or MOC?
Defined as any situation in which you feel that someone's well-being is at risk.
What is the definition of Student Safety?
The word that closely represents Imminent.
What is immediate?
A student may share this with you or you may see this with you during testing.
What is extreme fears and you see that they are scared to leave / be with an adult?
The first step in reporting Imminent Danger.
What is informing school counselor, MOC, or AMOC immediately in chat?
No one can do this when you are thinking of reporting to Child Abuse Hotline.
What is tell you if you should or should not report something?