Reading Strategies
FCAT Style Questions
What reading skill?
Author's Purpose/Perspective
Before the Test
Hints found inside the passage that help the reader understand new words and make inferences.
What context clues?
Good Readers do this DURING reading the passage
Underline important key phrases and/or make notes in the margin (example: main idea of each paragraph)
Read this sentence from the article, "What is an Ecosystem?": A kelp forest slows ocean currents and makes waves smaller, creating pockets of calm water. Shrimp-like animals flourish in this quiet water and feast on dead kelp. What does the word flourish mean?
This requires knowledge of the skill Context Clues.
Read Passage #1. Why did the author write this selection?
To persuade
To best be prepared for the test you should do what the night before?
Get a good night of sleep/ Go to bed early (2-3 nights ahead to get on a schedule)
To make a short review of the IMPORTANT parts.
What is summarize?
Before reading the passage you should do this.
Read ALL the questions first
Read these sentences from "The Great Garden Experiment": Dad looked at the picture on the front of the seed package. “I don’t like zucchini much,” he said. Mom got a determined look in her eyes. We bought the zucchini seeds. Which sentence uses the word determined as used in the sentence above?
This requires knowledge of the skill Multiple Meaning Words.
Read passage #2. What is the Author's purpose for writing this article?
To inform
The morning of the test you should do this?
Eat a healthy breakfast.
A character's original qualities shown through how they act, what they say, and what others think about them.
What character traits?
If you do not know the answer to a question, what can you look for in other questions or the passage to help you?
What are clues?
With which statement of the article, "What is an Ecosystem?" would the author most likely agree?
This requires knowledge of the skill Author's Purpose.
Read passage #1. What would the author most likely agree with?
D. The students will be successful.
Right before beginning the test you should do this. (hint: SSS lessons)
Think positive thoughts. Positive self-talk Kaizen Go to your "Happy Place" (Breathe, picture, focus)
The author's opinions or beliefs about the topic.
What is author's perspective?
Before reading the answer choices for a question you should do this.
Think about what you know and answer the question in your head.
According to the article, which event happened first?
This requires an understanding of the skill Chronological forest.
Read passage #2. What is the author's perspective/viewpoint?
C. Flies are dangerous
This word means continuous improvement or change for the better. (Hint: SSS lessons)
What is Kaizen? Little by little, Bit by bit, I'm improving, Everyday.
Description that appeals to the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste).
What is imagery?
When you have answered each question you should do this.
Go back into the passage and PROVE your answer.
The "pockets of calm water", near Amchitka Island are created by
This requires an understanding of the skill Cause and Effect.
Read Passage #3. What is the author's reason for writing this? How does the author feel about students taking naps during the schools day?
He/She does not agree with students taking naps during the day. -takes away from learning time. -studies are insufficient -no proven result of increased success
What does this mean: The tendency to expect the best and see the best in all things? (Hint: "The glass is half full")
Being Optimistic Don't doubt your ____________. Doubt your _____________. If what you are doing is not working, ___________________!!!