Life Science
Earth Science
Physical Science
Nature of Science
What are two parts to a scientific name?
Species and Genus

What is two characteristics of the structure of the sun?

Corona, chromosphere, photosphere,convective zone, radiative zone, and core

List 4 Physical Properties of Matter.

Mass ,volume, density, solubility, magnetism, boiling point, and melting point

Scientific knowledge can be looked as something else, but what is it based on (List 3) ?

Observations, inferences, and evidence, or data, gathered from scientific investigations.

What do archaea and bacteria have in common?
Their cells have no nuclei

What is a measure of how much energy it radiates per unit time of a star?

If someone is pulling 10N to the left and Someone else is pulling 15N to the right ,what is the overall net force?
Net Force of 5 N to the right
Whats the difference between a scientific Theory and a scientific Law?

A theory is an explanation for some naturally occurring event and it requires extensive observations, reasoning, and supporting evidence. 

Scientific laws are descriptions of a specific relationship under given conditions in the natural world.

How is commensalism different from mutualism?


In commensalism,one species benefits while the other is unharmed; in mutualism, both species benefits.
What is the first 4 waves order to the least number of frequencies to most on the electromagnetic spectrum?

What does the atomic number, atomic mass, and atomic symbol tells you about an element?
Atomic number = the numbers of protons and electrons, Atomic Mass = the number of protons and neutrons on the atoms nucleus, Atomic Symbol= the abbreviation of the elements name  
Why can scientific knowledge change between as time passes?

As new evidence or data is discovered. 

What can you infer from the fact that all life on earth is related, if you go back for enough?
All life on Earth evolved from just a few simple life forms.
How is conduction different from convection?


Conduction is transfer of heat through direct contact and Convection is heat transferred by particles moving through a medium.
What makes up a pure substance and what 2 types of mixtures are there?

Homogeneous Mixtures and Heterogeneous Mixtures 

A pure substance is a homogeneous matter that is made up of only one kind of material. 

What are the steps in order to a scientific method?

1.Make an observation 2. State your purpose 3.Background Research 4. Form a Hypothesis 5. Design an experiment 6. Experiment & Collect Data 7. Record Results 8. Conclusion


What are several different types of asexual reproduction?



Binary Fission


What effect is described: the earths rotation causes surface currents to move in curved paths rather than straight lines.
What are the state changes and some sort of description in the law conservation of mass (List 7)?


Melt - A phase change of a solid to a liquid.

Freeze - A phase change of a liquid to a solid.

Evaporate - A phase change of a liquid to a gas.

Sublimate - A phase change from a solid to a gas.

Condense - A phase change from a gas to a liquid.

Change of Shape - A substance's physical appearance is altered. 

Dissolve  - A substance breaks apart and spreads evenly within another substance.

What are some guidelines of a bar graph?

Always put a title on the graph, For bar and line graphs, make sure to label each axis with the right units. Make sure the range on each axis of the graph is close to the same as the range of the data. The x-axis is the horizontal axis that runs along the bottom of the graph
