The Olympics
Before and After
Worship Songs
by the Chorus

A popular summer food. A game with frustrating gameplay was made, having the player try to combine other fruits to ultimately create one of these

What is a Watermelon?


In 2024, Paris hosted the Olympics for the third time, a feat that only this other European capital has achieved

What is London?


The first man with a responsibility. God told him to NOT do one thing, but he did it anyways. Whoops

Who is Adam?


2024 High School Camp's theme followed by a  children's worship song with wacky actions

What is In the Making Melodies?


Holy there is no one like you
There is none beside you
Open up my eyes in wonder

What is Build My Life?


During the summer months, you can hear a loud buzzing noise in Japan, coming from a multitude of these insects

What are Cicadas?


The first instance of the modern Olympic Games was held in 1896 in this Greek City

What is Athens?


This person pleased the LORD with his offering of the firstborn. However, his brother was not too pleased and in turn, killed him

Who is Abel?


The strongest poker hand after you finish your duty on the porcelain throne

What is Royal Flush the Toilet?


Hallelujah praise the One who set me free
Hallelujah death has lost its grip on me

What is Living Hope?


This day in 2024 fell on June 20, where many countries in the Northern Hemisphere had the most daylight

What is the Summer Solstice?


Dating back to ancient Greece, this multiple round Olympic Event relies on the bond between a jock and their horse

What is Equestrian?


This person made a promise with God; it was to be shown by being circumcised

Who is Abraham?


A popular worship group whose songs are played in the country we live in

What is Hillsong United States of America?


I will praise you on the mountain
I will praise you when the mountain's in my way
You're the summit where my feet are
So I'll praise You in the valleys all the same

What is Highlands (Song of Ascent)?


This American city holds the record for most consecutive days with temperatures reaching 110o or higher, with a count of 31 days

What is Phoenix?


This event made its grand debut in the 2024 Olympics, utilizing both a DJ and an MC to assist the main performer. Get your groove on!

What is Breaking or Break Dancing?


Despite having been chosen by God to be a high priest, this man caved and made an idol for the Israelites during the Exodus

Who is Aaron?


A French landmark becomes a Biblical location where language comprehension breaks down

What is the Eiffel Tower of Babel?


You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh
You are good, good, oh

What is King of My Heart?


Cities located in Alaska such as Utqiaġvik and Fairbanks, receive sunlight for months on end, also known as this phenomenon

What is the Midnight Sun?


Despite the United States having the most Olympic Medals of all time, they do not have the most Winter Olympic Medals, being beat by this Scandinavian country

What is Norway?


A son of David; this man rebelled against the king, believing that he would be more just and ultimately better than him

Who is Absalom?


A competition where spoken word is performed in front of judges who are capable of throwing down a basketball

What is a Poetry Slam Dunk?


Great is your faithfulness to me
Great is your faithfulness to me
From the rising sun to the setting same
I will praise your name

What is Promises?
