What are the two FCCLA Colors?
red and white
Who is your JH representative?
Zoey Jans
What is Miss Lauesen's favorite scent?
STAR Events are completed as either a...
individual or team
where is the national leadership conference this year?
seattle washingtion
What is the official flower of FCCLA?
A rose
When is National FCCLA week?
February 12-16 2024
What is Miss Lausen's favorite squish mellow?
the blue and white fox
What ‘process’ has FCCLA established to help you with a project from start to finish?
planning process
what is Fccla's motto this year?
The Ultimate Journey
What are three reasons to join FCCLA?
to build leadership skills, meet new people, and learn how to build teamwork skills
Where is one place you may get to go as a member of our FCCLA chapter?
The corn maze, regions, State FCCLA, Nationals
In what year was FCCLA founded?
What is the name of one of the steps in the Planning Process?
Identify concerns, set a goal, form a plan, act, follow up
FCCLA is the only organization to have _____ as the central focus.
What was the name of this organization before it became FCCLA?
Future Homemakers of America, FHA
Who is our president?
Lauren Patten
Who is our school’s FCCLA adviser?
Miss Lauesen
What does STAR (as in STAR Events) stand for?
Students Taking Action with Recognition
What is the mission of FCCLA?
To promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner, and community leader, members develop skills for life through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.
What does FCCLA stand for?
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America
Who is on the leadership team for our chapter?
Lauren Patten, Shelby Pankratz, Vanessa Dunkelberger, Katie Gutormson, Hailey Reutter, Shayla Even, and Zoey Jans
An fccla advisers job is...
to empower our future leaders and promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education
What is “Say Yes to FCS”?
Say Yes to FCS is a national outreach campaign designed to bring attention to Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education as a valuable and viable career path.
What is the tagline of FCCLA?
The Ultimate Leadership Experience