My sister hates to lose--she's so _________ (COMPETITION)
Usually a modern city has wider streets than a historic city.
Usually, the streets in a historic city ___________ those in a modern city.
Usually, the streets in a historic city AREN'T AS WIDE AS those in a modern city.
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
If I say, "That song is wicked!"
Do I like the song or do I hate it?
I like it! "Wicked," though originally a bad thing associated with witches and dark magic, now is used to compliment things.
You might also hear things like "It was wicked good!" or "the exam was wicked hard (difficult)," in which case "wicked" is used to replace "very."
I've always been interested _____ painting, and I'd like to take some art lessons.
At the age of 16, students have the _________ (CHOOSE) of which subjects to continue for the next two years.
A small boy on a skateboard knocked my sister over yesterday.
My sister ________________ a small boy on a skateboard yesterday.
My sister WAS KNOCKED OVER BY a small boy on a skateboard yesterday.
What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck!
If I say, "What's the tea?" what am I looking for?
"Tea" is gossip. If you tell a scandalous story, you can then say that you have "spilled some tea." You can also say, "And that's the tea, sis."
Summer lasts ________ June _________ September.
The safari was an absolutely __________ (FORGET) trip; we saw so many animals.
Industrial areas tend to be very noisy compared to rural areas.
There is usually __________________ in industrial areas than in rural areas.
There is usually FAR MORE NOISE in industrial areas than in rural areas.
What is more useful when it is broken?
An egg!
"I just had a lovely chin wag with Emily."
What did Emily and I do?
We chatted!
Cats of all kinds are present in the legends, religion, mythology, and history of _________ different cultures.
I was told to go to the school at 8.00 a.m. for a meeting but there must have been a ___________ (UNDERSTAND) because nobody was there.
I can't wait to find out what you've bought me for my birthday.
I'm really ___________________ out what you've bought me for my birthday.
I'm really LOOKING FORWARD TO FINDING out what you've bought me for my birthday.
What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter M!
If I am feeling PECKISH, what should you offer me?
Some food! "Peckish" means slightly hungry.
Peckish --> hungry --> starving
**This is usually only used in Britain (maybe in Australia too, unfortunately I don't know any Australians.)**
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543) was born in Poland. He __________ advised by his uncle, a bishop, to go into the church.
Researches say that inadequate cleaning can lead to serious food poisoning. The ____________ (SOLVE)? Make sure you clean all work surfaces daily!
My uncle said, "This is the best show I've seen for years."
My uncle said he ___________________ good show for years.
My uncle said he HADN'T SEEN SUCH A good show for years
You live in a one story house made entirely of redwood. What color would the stairs be?
What stairs? You live in a one-story house.
"Oh my god, Jim botched the cake up!"
What did Jim do?
Jim has ruined the cake! He botched it up, so now we can't eat it.
You can also "do a botch job" on something: "Jim did a botch job on the cake, so now we can't eat it."
The few scientists _________ read Galileo's work knew how massive a change it was.