Multiple Cloze
Open Cloze
Word Transformation
Sentence Transformation

At home, my partner and I usually love to ........... our friends.

a) entertain
b) visit
c) receive
d) host

At home, my partner and I usually love to entertain our friends.


For all children, music provides an obvious opportunity for both self-expression ......... creativity.

For all children, music provides an obvious opportunity for both self-expression and creativity.


Hobbies can add ......... to everyday life. (EXCITE)

Hobbies can add excitement to everyday life.


The hotel staff had permission to use the tennis courts on Mondays. 


The hotel staff .......... tennis on Mondays.

The hotel staff were allowed to play tennis on Mondays.


This was in a valley .......... by mountains.

a) surrounded
b) closed
c) held
d) circled

This was in a valley surrounded by mountains.


The pace ........... modern life is very fast, and most people have busy and demanding lives.

The pace of modern life is very fast, and most people have busy and demanding lives.


Sometimes, the daily routine at school starts to drag, making you feel that everything is a bit ......... (POINT)

Sometimes, the daily routine at school starts to drag, making you feel that everything is a bit pointless.


Stop playing your drums at night, otherwise the neighbours will complain. 


The neighbours will complain ................... your drums at night.

The neighbours will complain if you keep (on) playing your drums at night.


His mother cooks all his ........... meals for him and does all his washing.

a) major
b) essential
c) key
d) main

His mother cooks all his main meals for him and does all his washing.


......... is easier than you think to fit physical activity into your daily routine.

It is easier than you think to fit physical activity into your daily routine.


......... pastimes such as watching TV or listening to music, a hobby usually involves learning new skills. (LIKE)

Unlike pastimes such as watching TV or listening to music, a hobby usually involves learning new skills.


Although Toby keeps his room tidy he seldom cleans it. 


Toby keeps his room tidy .............. cleans it

Toby keeps his room tidy although he hardly ever cleans it


There is no standard English. For one thing, people whose first language is English are ......... of their particular version of the language.

a) confident
b) proud
c) jealous
d) attached

There is no standard English. For one thing, people whose first language is English are proud of their particular version of the language.


Something else convinced me to buy the house ......... from the large garden and beautiful views.

Something else convinced me to buy the house apart from the large garden and beautiful views.


The more different activities you try as hobbies, the closer you'll get to being ........... fulfilled and the better you'll get to know yourself. (TRUE)

The more different activities you try as hobbies, the closer you'll get to being truly fulfilled and the better you'll get to know yourself.


We've been queuing for an hour and we still have another hour to wait. 


By the time we get to the front of the queue we ................. two hours.

By the time we get to the front of the queue we will have been waiting for two hours.


Celebrities often have to .......... with intrusive paparazzi and being recognized everywhere they go.

a) do away
b) get along
c) keep up 
d) put up

Celebrities often have to put up with intrusive paparazzi and being recognized everywhere they go.


In spite of the .......... that he had never seen the movie, he claimed that it was absolutely amazing.

In spite of the fact that he had never seen the movie, he claimed that it was absolutely amazing.


As well as giving you the chance to learn new skills, a hobby will be a way of building on the ........... you already have. (STRONG)

As well as giving you the chance to learn new skills, a hobby will be a way of building on the strengths you already have.


The students don't really like eating in the school canteen. 


The students ............... in the school canteen.

The students would (really) rather not eat in the school canteen.
