How many litres in a gallon
3.78541 (this is da only acceptable answer)
This acronym stands for Food and Drug Administration
what are FDA regulations based on?
laws set forth by congress in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD & C Act)
Passed in 1906, this is the first federal law passed to protect the public from worthless/harmful drugs. It was amended in 1912 to require the proper labeling of ingredients.
What is the Food and Drug act?
The FDA allows this surprising ingredient in foods. It is usually used to create red food coloring and appears most commonly in cinnamon and oregano.
What is ground insect parts?
What is Tim middle name
what does the FDA regulate?
1.) foods, 2.) dietary supplements, 3.) human drugs, 4.) vaccines, 5.) blood products 6.) biologics, 7.) medical devices 8.) cosmetics, 9.) veterinary products, 10.) tobacco products
where can FDA regulations be found?
Title 21 in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Passed in 1938, this ensured that products were safe and gave the FDA the right to seize any drug suspected of being toxic. Manufacturers were now required to show scientific data proving that their products were safe for consumers.
What is the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
This apple-related food that is grounded into a sauce commonly eaten by babies and young children was recently discovered by the FDA to contain high amounts of lead and was quickly shut down.
A dance move in which a person alternatingly taps their heels, either in place or while walking, while swinging their arms back and forth. Popularized by the football player Ja'Marr Chase and usually accompanied by the song Right Foot Creep by Young Boy Never Broke Again.
THe griddy
what is the FDA's parent agency?
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
what is the medical device amendment act?
amendments to Title 21 that expands the definition of devices and provides more detail on device classification
In 1937 in Tennessee, this concoction was only tested by the manufacturer for taste and fragrance, when in fact the ingredient was an industrial-strength solvent. This led to over 350 deaths and lead to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
What is the "Elixir of Sulfonamide"?
The fda only controls food (true or false)
Thats false
The place where SpongeBob gets trapped with busses that won't pick him up and people who keep spitting in his face.
What is the ridge?
what are the four core categories of the FDA
1.) medical products and tobacco
2.) foods
3.) global regulatory operations and policy
4.) operations
what are the FDA classification of devices?
class I
class II
class III
Passed in 1951, this ensured that prescription drugs could only be given to patients under the care of a physician.
What is the Durham-Humphrey Act?
The FDA is usually criticized for not really doing its job (true or false)
This is true
In Mcdonalds, this is the man made of a food item who runs McCity and is married to Mary McCheese.
Who is Mayor McCheese?
what is the QSR?
legislated manufacturing practices for medical devices derived from good manufacturing practices (GMPs) in 1996
what are class 3 devices?
life sustaining medical devices
Passed in 1962, this act required that drugs be both safe and effective. This law was passed in response to the use of Thalidomide in European pregnant women.
What is the Kefauver-Harris Amendment?
The FDA has always properly regulated opioid abuse. (True or false)
False because the FDA did not properly handle the opioid crisis and a lot of people overdosed.