Key Players and Disclosures
Disputes and Bad Practices
Human Communication and Building Rapport
Collection Call Checkpoints

If a debtor or the courts give you permission to discuss the debt with a third party, what do we refer to this third party as moving forward?

A right party contact


What are two mediums in which a consumer can issue a dispute?

Verbally (on the phone) or in writing


Third party debt collectors facilitate communication between which two groups?

Creditors and consumers


Which checkpoint requires a hard stop from a collector ending the call in order to prevent a third party disclosure violation if the consumer does not give full and complete information?

Verify the consumer or RPC


What does "FDCPA" stand for?

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act


What three pieces of information do you have to include in your mini-miranda disclosure per FDCPA guidelines?

1. Communication is from a debt collector
2. This is an attempt to collect a debt
3. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose


If a consumer issues a cease communication request (says, "do not contact me anymore"), are we allowed any more contact with the consumer? If not, why not? If so, what can we say?

We are allowed one more contact with the consumer to let them know that further communication will be stopped and any potential actions taken by the creditor in the future


What are the four types of people you may encounter during a collection call?

People pleaser, dreamer, thinker, and driver


During which checkpoint would a collector most likely identify the consumer's reasons for non payment as circumstantial, emotional, intellectual, or criminal?

Ask about and listen for challenges


A consumer tells you that instead of paying over the phone, they'll just pay the property directly. How should you respond?

The client has contracted us to collect on their behalf. Two parties are not allowed to collect upon the same debt. The client would simply loop you back to us.


When does the validation period begin?

After the notice of debt is received by the consumer


A consumer answers and you explain the charges to them. The consumer disputes their rent charges, but acknowledges the utility fees. What should the collector do next in this case?

Collect and apply a payment to the portion of the debt that is not being disputed, and update the account notes with the disputed part.

This type of question asks the consumer to tell a story, leading it to take a bit longer but yield important information about the situation

An open-ended question


During this checkpoint, a collector will discuss how a consumer might pay by exploring other solutions of money and timeframes.

Negotiating Solutions


A collector sends a consumer "out to raise" by going to their bank and attempting to get a loan to pay off this debt. They're planning on calling back later that day. After confirming these arrangements with the consumer, what should the collector do next?

Place the consumer on hold and transfer them to another collector to firm up the arrangement.


Define overshadowing

Anything you say that implies the validation period does not exist, or anything that would overlook their right to dispute a debt


If IQ Data is under investigation by the CFPB for an FDCPA violation, who can be interviewed about the incident?

Any employee


What are the four main factors that make up communication interference during a call?

Voice, emotions, personality types, and environment


During the "demand payment in full" phase of the call, if the consumer agrees to pay, what checkpoint should the collector jump to?

Checkpoint 7: Confirm arrangements


A consumer claims they did not damage the apartment, despite charges listing damages to the apartment, leading them to be in collections. What would the collector's next move be?

Ask the consumer if they completed a move out inspection or final walk through at the property.

A debt collector shall assume the convenient time for communication with a consumer is...

Between 8am and 9pm local time at the consumer's location


Which two federal agencies enforce the FDCPA?

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


This essential technique is used by collectors when they want to:
1. Acknowledge the consumer's emotions
2. Demonstrate skill and professionalism
3. Explain possible solutions



What are five pieces of personally identifying information?



What is the name of Dane's team of veteran collectors on Teams?

The Wall
