A bunch of people trying to figure things out.
(He may or may not be there-It depends on who you ask)
100 saints you should know
I think a lot of people enjoy this musical...But mostly me!!
Book of Mormon
When was the first broadway show
Wasn't he chasing after someone else like 2 seconds ago?
(Name the play)
Romeo and Juliet
They're related to the person who found the L. L. Bean Moose.
Rocky Horror picture show
Margaret Brown's nickname
The Unsinkable Molly Brown
(This is the name of a 1960 musical based off of her survival of the sinking of the Titanic.)
All featuring in the new Broadway jukebox musical "& Juliet", the songs "Stronger", "Overprotected", and "...Baby One More Time", were all originally performed by which pop star and icon of the 1990s?
Who is Hamnet?
Shakespears son
(imaginary bonus points for mentioning that he died before Hamlet was finished)
They lived in Florida from the time they were 2 until 9.
The 12 days of what now?
Thanksgiving Play
Debuting in London's West End in 1986 and on Broadway in 1988, what Andrew Lloyd Webber musical features the songs "All I Ask of You" and "The Music of the Night?"
Phantom of the Opera
What is the minimum number of seats that a venue in the Theater District must have in order to be considered a "Broadway" theater, rather than "Off-Broadway"?
He's Been a what now?
(Play name)
Much ado about nothing
They are related to Milton Snavely Hershey and the man who started the Area 51 raid.
What is the earliest year that can be found on the theater's wall of previous plays?
American Dream (1970)
I originally thought a boat was going to be lost at sea when I heard the title of this Arthur Miller play.
Death of a Salesman
What famous Nebraskan got his start in show business dancing with his sister Adele? After working in vaudeville, they first performed on Broadway in 1917. He later had an extensive film career.
Fred Astaire
He just confessed his love for her and now he's going off to save his boyfriend? And she's going to help?
(Name the play)
Merchant of Venice
How would like to make a kids show
"This play's the thing wherein I'll catch the concious of the king"
A character in this play was crushed by stones because he refused to confirm or deny the allegations against him.
The Crucible
The 1932 election of FDR over Herbert Hoover serves as the backdrop to what 1977 Broadway musical that sees the orphaned protagonist actually meeting Roosevelt during Act II?
Where can you find the quote
"Good friend for Jesus' sake forbear,
To dig the dust enclosed here:
And curst be he that moves my bones."
His grave
This person is the winner of a "Most Beautiful Baby" contest.