This means "to start"
Ce le numero quatre-vingh huit
This is the French word for teacher.
This means "Yes, that is OK."
Oui, je suis d'accord.
How do you say, "Hello my name is Joseph."
Bonjour, je m'appelle Joseph.
This means "we eat".
Nous mangeons
Ces le numbero cent cinquant trois.
This is the French word for Principal.
I am a vegetarian.
How do you ask to go to the washroom in French?
Puis-je aller a la salle de toilette?
This means "to ask"
Ces le numero onze.
This is a police officer.
"Je suis desoler" means ...
I am sorry.
How do you say, " My dad is taking us to a restaurant tonight.
"Mon pere nous prennons a une restaurent se soir.
"Je parle a mes amis." means
I talk to my friends.
This number in French is 65.
soixant cinq.
This is an Engineer.
"Bonjour, veux-tu diner avec moi?" means ...
Hello, do you want to have lunch with me?
How do you say, "My brother like to play soccer."
Mon frere aime jouer au football.
This means "to punish."
This is the year in French.
deux mille, vingh cinq
This is a lawyer.
"Ici on parle francais." means
We speak French here.
How do you say, "I would like to order the chicken alfredo."
Pour moi, je veux the poulet alfredo.