This fundamental concept in Tao Te Ching is often translated as "The Way" and represents the natural order of the universe.
What is the Tao?
Heraclitus believed that this element, representing transformation and energy, was the fundamental principle of the universe.
What is fire?
In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle identifies this as the ultimate goal of human life, often translated as "flourishing" or "happiness."
What is eudaimonia?
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man."
Who is Heraclitus?
Aristotle was born in Stagira, Greece during this time period.
What is 384 BCE?
Lao-Tzu emphasizes this principle of effortless action, where one aligns with the natural flow instead of forcing outcomes.
What is wu wei?
Heraclitus is famous for stating that one cannot step into the same one of these twice, emphasizing the ever-changing nature of reality.
What is a river?
Aristotle argues that the good life is achieved by fulfilling this unique human capacity, which distinguishes us from plants and animals.
What is rational activity (or reason)?
"The human good proves to be activity of the soul in accord with virtue."
Who is Aristotle?
Heraclitus lived during this period, claiming that "all things come into being through strife."
What is circa 500 BCE?
Lao-Tzu was born in _____.
What is 571 BC?
Despite the apparent chaos of constant change, Heraclitus believed in an underlying rational principle governing the universe, which he called this.
What is Logos?
Aristotle’s ethical theory holds that virtue lies between two extremes, known as this principle.
What is the Doctrine of the Mean?
"Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.”
Who is Lao-Tzu?
Around this year, Aristotle became the tutor of a young prince who would later be known as Alexander the Great.
What is 343 BCE?
This philosopher's name has three common spellings, which are...
Laozi, Lao-Tzu, and Lao-Tze
Heraclitus argued that conflict and struggle are essential to existence, stating that this is "the father of all things."
What is war (or strife)?
Please provide the two potential inspirations for the title Niccomachean Ethics.
What is Aristotle's son and father?
“Time is a game played beautifully by children.”
Who is Heraclitus?
Heraclitus is said to have died around this year, with one story claiming he tried to cure himself of illness by covering himself in mud.
What is circa 475 BCE?
According to Laozi, the best rulers govern with subtlety and humility, leading in the same way this element nourishes all things without demanding recognition.
What is water?
Please provide both names for the concept which states that all things are in a state of change.
Flux AND Panta Rhei
In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle divides virtue into these two main categories: one concerning intellect and the other concerning character.
What are intellectual and moral virtues?
“The Master can keep giving because there is no end to her wealth. She acts without expectation, succeeds without taking credit, and doesn’t think that she is better than anyone else.”
Who is Lao-Tzu?
The Tao Te Ching was written during this period.
What is 4th century BC?