Semper Fi
US Marines
This cowboy doll is the leader of Andy’s toys in Toy Story
This city, known for its rainy weather and the Evergreen State College, is the capital of Washington.
This "King of Pop" released the hit album Dangerous in 1991.
Michael Jackson
This Seattle-based coffee giant was founded in 1971 and is known for its green mermaid logo.
Aim High… Fly-Fight-Win
US Air Force
This forgetful blue tang fish goes on a journey to find her parents in Finding Dory.
This city is the capital of California, but many mistakenly believe it’s Los Angeles or San Francisco.
This actor played The Fresh Prince on the hit '90s sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Will Smith
This Washington-based company revolutionized personal computing with its Windows operating system.
This We’ll Defend
US Army
This robot spends his days cleaning up Earth until he embarks on an intergalactic adventure.
Named after a U.S. president, this city is the capital of Oregon
This actor became a teen heartthrob in the '90s thanks to his roles in Titanic, Romeo + Juliet, and What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
Leonardo DiCaprio
This aerospace company, founded in Seattle in 1916, is one of the largest manufacturers of commercial airplanes in the world.
“Non sibi, sed patriae,” meaning “Not for self, but for country"
US Navy
This aspiring chef teams up with a talented rat.
This Western U.S. capital, known for its Old West history and famous rodeo, has a population of fewer than 65,000 people.
Cheyenne, Wyoming
This Hall of Fame shortstop, known as "The Captain," helped lead the New York Yankees to four World Series titles in the 1990s and finished his career with over 3,000 hits.
Derek Jeter
This Seattle-based tech company has grown, but they started out originally selling books online.
The U.S. Coast Guard’s Latin motto, “Semper Paratus,” translates to this phrase.
Always ready
This 13-year-old girl struggles with her ability to transform into a giant red panda.
Mei Lee
This U.S. state capital is the highest in elevation, sitting over 7,000 feet above sea level.
Santa Fe, NM
This Canadian singer-songwriter became a '90s icon with her 1995 album Jagged Little Pill, featuring hits like "You Oughta Know" and "Ironic."
Here you can get bulk goods and its famous $1.50 hot dog combo