
In what year of servitude was a Hebrew servant to go free?

EXODUS 21:2: If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything.


Who found Moses in a basket in the Nile River?

EXODUS 2:5-6: 5 Then Pharaoh's daughter went down to the Nile to bathe, and her attendants were walking along the riverbank. She saw the basket among the reeds and sent her female slave to get it. 6 She opened it and saw the baby. He was crying, and she felt sorry for him.


On what mountain did Moses see God?

EXODUS 24:15-16: 15 When Moses went up on the mountain, the cloud covered it, 16 and the glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai.


What did God turn Moses' staff into?

EXODUS 4:2-3: 2 Then the Lord said to him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied. 3 The Lord said, "Throw it on the ground." Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it.


What was the first plague on Egypt?

EXODUS 7:19: The Lord said to Moses, "Tell Aaron, 'Take your staff and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt--over the streams and canals, over the ponds and all the reservoirs--and they will turn to blood.' Blood will be everywhere in Egypt, even in vessels of wood and stone."


How long did the first plague on Egypt last?

EXODUS 7:25: Seven days passed after the Lord struck the Nile.


When God appeared to Moses in the burning bush, what did God say his name was?

EXODUS 3:13-14: 13 Moses said to God, "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them?" 14 God said to Moses, "I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I am has sent me to you.'"


During Passover, where were the Israelites supposed to put lambs' blood?

EXODUS 12:23: When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.


How old was Moses when he told Pharaoh to let the Israelites go?

EXODUS 7:7: Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh.


What did Aaron's staff do to the staffs of the Egyptian magicians?

EXODUS 7:10-12: Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials, and it became a snake. 11 Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts: 12 Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs.


How many days did the plague of darkness last?

EXODUS 10:22: So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days.


Who inscribed the original stone tablets on Mount Sinai?

EXODUS 31:18: When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two tablets of the covenant law, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of God.


What special instructions were the Israelites given for eating sacrificial lambs during Passover?

EXODUS 12:46: It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones.


When Moses killed the Egyptian for beating a Hebrew worker, where did he hide the body?

EXODUS 2:12: Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.


At Marah, what did Moses throw into the water to make it fit to drink?

EXODUS 15:22-25: 23 When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah.) 24 So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, "What are we to drink?" 25 Then Moses cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became fit to drink.


How many years did the Israelites live in Egypt?

EXODUS 12:40: Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years.


Who accompanied Moses as his aide when he went to see God on the mountain?

EXODUS 24:13: Then Moses set out with Joshua his aide, and Moses went up on the mountain of God.


How did God lead the Israelites out of Egypt?

EXODUS 13:21: By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.


Which of his daughters did Reuel give to Moses in marriage?

EXODUS 2:21: Moses agreed to stay with the man, who gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage.


What did Moses do to help Joshua defeat the Amalekite army?

EXODUS 17:11-13: 11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 12 When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.


How many years did the Israelites eat manna?

EXODUS 16:35: The Israelites ate manna forty years, until they came to a land that was settled; they ate manna until they reached the border of Canaan.


Whose bones did Moses take with him when the Israelites left Egypt?

EXODUS 13:19: Moses took the bones of Joseph with him because Joseph had made the Israelites swear an oath. He had said, "God will surely come to your aid, and then you must carry my bones up with you from this place."


What did manna taste like?

EXODUS 16:31: The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey.


When God appeared in the burning bush, what disease did he inflict on Moses?

EXODUS 4:6-7: 6 Then the Lord said, "Put your hand inside your cloak." So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, the skin was leprous--it had become as white as snow. 7 "Now put it back into your cloak," he said. So Moses put his hand back into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was restored, like the rest of his flesh.


What did Moses do with the golden calf the Israelites made while he was talking to God?

EXODUS 32:19-20: 19 When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. 20 And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it.
