This is the most popular search engine in the world.
If you were planning on making a pizza, what is the most common Italian cheese you would use?
Which language has the most native speakers worldwide?
Mandarin Chinese
What city is known as The City of Fashion
Your heart is nestled in your chest between the two halves of what other organ?
Your Lungs
Who played the lead role in the movie “Forrest Gump”?
Tom Hanks
This company created the iPhone.
Who starred alongside Olivia Newton John in Grease as Danny?
John Travolta
What is the official language of Brazil?
Portuguese is the official language of Brazil.
How many T-Shirts are sold per year globally?
2 Billion
An average human performs what basic eye function about 20 times a minute, or over ten million times a year? At year's end, your eye must be really moist.
What’s the name of the animated bear who loves honey?
Winnie the Pooh
This online retailer is named after the worlds largest river by volume.
What’s the name of the sport where two or more athletes perform the same routine at the same time in water?
Synchronised swimming or sometimes known as artistic swimming
What is the term for a word that is spelled incorrectly but sounds the same as another word, such as “their” and “there”?
Homophone is the term for such words.
What are the ‘Big Four’ cities hosting a Fashion Week?
Milan, Paris, London and New York
On average, who has longer life spans? Men or women?
Women! Biological differences in hormones and immunity are thought to be contributing factors.
What’s the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
This is the term for small, portable programs that run on smartphones and tablets.
What is the national flower of Wales?
What is the term for a word that has come into a language from another language, like “entrepreneur” from French?
Loanword is the term for such words.
Which designer introduced the concept of the “little black dress” in the 1920s?
Coco Chanel is credited with popularizing the concept of the “little black dress” in the 1920s.
An anoxic environment wouldn’t be great for humans, but certain organisms thrive in them. Anoxic means that which element needed by most life to survive is absent?
Who is the lead singer of the band Queen?
Freddy Mercury
This technology allows people to interact with 3D environments through a headset.
Virtual Reality (VR)
What year did Elvis Presley die?
Which language is the only one with no silent letters?
What is the traditional Scottish fabric pattern often used in kilts and associated with punk fashion?
Tartan is the traditional Scottish fabric pattern associated with kilts and punk fashion.
Which vitamin are you lacking in if you have scurvy?
Vitamin C
What fruit is known for having its own “zoo” of tiny seeds on the inside?
In 1999 Shigetaka Kurita invented what keyboard additions for cell phones that would eventually replace emoticons and even get their own movie?
What year was the Great Fire of London?
Which English word has the most definitions listed in the dictionary?
The word with the most meanings in English is the verb 'set', with 430 senses listed in the Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary.
What Italian luxury brand is famous for its leather goods, particularly its handbags with a double G logo?
Gucci is renowned for its luxury leather goods, including handbags featuring the iconic double G logo.
When someone receives the MMR vaccine, which 3 diseases are they building immunity to?
Measles, mumps, and rubella.
What is Japan’s national sport?
Sumo Wrestling
This device stores large amounts of data and is commonly used in computers.
Hard Drive.
What sport is Michael Phelps known for?
Swimming (most decorated athlete in Olympic history with 28 medals, 23 of which are gold!)
What is the only alphabet with letters that are always written in lowercase?
The Greek Alphabet
What French fashion designer is known for creating the “New Look” in the post-World War II era?
Christian Dior revolutionized fashion with his iconic “New Look” in the 1940s.
Which part of the body contains the most bones?
The hands. Each hand contains 27 bones, followed closely by the feet which have 26 bones in each foot.
What vegetable is often associated with keeping eyes healthy?
Pierre Omidyar founded which popular online auction company in 1995 out of San Jose, California?
What was the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America in 1620?
What term describes the study of speech sounds and their physiological production?
Phonetics is the study of speech sounds and their physiological production.
What luxury brand is known for its iconic red-soled shoes?
Christian Louboutin is famous for its signature red-soled shoes.
Milkmaids were instrumental in the creation of which vaccine?
Smallpox vaccine. The vaccine was introduced in 1796 by Edward Jenner when he noticed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were immune to smallpox.
What’s the name of the movie where a toy cowboy named Woody comes to life?
Toy Story
What is the term for a million bytes?
What’s a baby swan called?
A baby swan is called a cygnet (sig-nit)
In linguistics, what term refers to a word that sounds like what it describes, such as “buzz” or “murmur”?
Onomatopoeia is the term for words that imitate sounds
Which fashion house was founded by Italian designer Gianni Versace in 1978?
Gianni Versace established the renowned fashion house, Versace, in 1978.
What is the biological cause of Down Syndrome?
An extra chromosome. Also called trisomy 21, Down Syndrome is caused by a third copy of chromosome 21.
What is the longest-running Broadway show in history?
The Phantom of the Opera
When a password is limited strictly to numeric characters, the secret is often referred to as a PIN. What does that acronym stand for?
Personal Identification Number
Who wrote 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'?
Mark Twain
What is the longest word in the English language?
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English language.
In 1858, Charles Frederick Worth became the first fashion designer to do what?
Charles Frederick Worth was the first designer to sew his label into his garments.
What is the branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment, diagnosis and prevention of cancer?
What popular video game features a green plumber named Mario?
Super Mario Bros