Chandra always held her cat, Boots very carefully. Unlike Chandra, her brother David let Boots dangle from his arms. On the other hand, David always made sure Boots had fresh water. This made Chandra realize that David loved Boots too. How are Chandra and David's feelings toward Boots similar? a) They both like to carry Boots safely b) They both love their cat very much c) They both worry about Boot's water
B - They both love their cat very much
The eyes of a blue whale are as small as teacups. A grown whale can weigh 150 tons. A grown whale can be heavily than 115 giraffes. What is the purpose of this text? a) to entertain b) to persuade c) to inform
C - To inform
Lindsay shouted at the others in anger when they didn't follow her directions. What is the best character trait? a) neat b) unfriendly c) carefree
B - unfriendly
Does the detail: "The sky was blue, and the sun was shining" support the main idea "My day at Carson Beach was fun." yes or no?
Also - too
My tenth birthday party was much more fun than my ninth birthday party last year. Last year, we stayed at my house and a clown came to entertain us. This year, we went to a bowling alley and took over six lanes. I had ten friends and a lot of relatives at the party this year, but last year just my relatives came over. The food this year was better too because we had pizza and cake instead of just cupcakes. I wonder what my eleventh birthday will be like. Which of the following BEST describes how the parties were different. a) One birthday party had better food than the other did b) The tenth birthday party was more fun c) The narrator thinks that pizza tastes better than cupcakes d) There were more people at the tenth birthday party
B - The tenth birthday party was more fun
A speech about going to school four days a week is a good idea. What is the purpose of the speech? a) to entertain b) to persuade c) to inform
B - to persuade
Amanda made faces at her little cousin until her cousin giggled. What is the best character trait? a) scared b) vengeful c) silly
C - silly
Does the detail "Next month, I'm going camping at Morton Park" support the main idea "My day at Carson Beach was fun." yes or no
My tenth birthday party was much more fun than my ninth birthday party last year. Last year, we stayed at my house and a clown came to entertain us. This year, we went to a bowling alley and took over six lanes. I had ten friends and a lot of relatives at the party this year, but last year just my relatives came over. The food this year was better too because we had pizza and cake instead of just cupcakes. I wonder what my eleventh birthday will be like. How were the two parties alike? a) One was better than the other was b) Each was a bowling party c) They were both birthday parties d) They each had pizza
C - They were both birthday parties
Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who really wanted to be a princess. Every day, the little girl said, "Oh, I'd give anything to be a princess." What is the purpose? a) entertain b) persuade c) inform
A - entertain
Jennifer ran through the tall grass in the field enjoying the lazy, summer day. What is the best character trait? a) carefree b) sneaky c) cautious
A - carefree
Which detail supports the main idea, "Humans have a lot to do with plants dying out." a) Humans protect plants b) Humans build roads, factories and homes c) Humans bring new plants to places
B - Humans build roads, factories and homes
The Beach - Going to the beach is a lot of fun. At the ocean, you can see colorful fish and different kinds of birds. If the weather is warm enough, you can even go for a swim. Most beaches have lots of space to run, play, build sand castles, fly kites and have a picnic. When you run on the sand, be careful a jellyfish doesn't sting you. The Mountains - Visiting the mountains is very exciting. You can see beautiful, tall trees and many different kinds of green plants. If you watch carefully and quietly, you might even see a deer, a squirrel, or a snake. If you feel strong, you might go for a long hike on a trail or even climb to a mountaintop. There is plenty of space to play Frisbee, eat lunch outdoors, or play hide-and-go-seek. At night you can build a bonfire. Be careful of the mosquitoes. According to both paragraphs, how are the mountains and the beach the same? a) Both places are great for flying kites b) Both places are great for swimming c) Both places are great for hiking d) Both places are great for eating outdoors
D - both places are great for eating outdoors
Dear Principal, Our school needs a new gym. The one we have now is too small. During gym class, it gets very crowded in there. What is the purpose? a) to entertain b) to persuade c) to inform
B - to persuade
When the teacher asked who really read the chapter for homework, Nick admitted he hadn't. What is the best character trait? a) patient b) loyal c) honest
C - honest
The main idea of a paragraph is determined by ___________ a) adding up all the topic sentences b) understand the details and knowing what the overall impression is c) by subtracting the misspelled words d) looking at the last sentence
B - understand the details and knowing what the overall impression is
The Beach - Going to the beach is a lot of fun. At the ocean, you can see colorful fish and different kinds of birds. If the weather is warm enough, you can even go for a swim. Most beaches have lots of space to run, play, build sand castles, fly kites and have a picnic. When you run on the sand, be careful a jellyfish doesn't sting you. The Mountains - Visiting the mountains is very exciting. You can see beautiful, tall trees and many different kinds of green plants. If you watch carefully and quietly, you might even see a deer, a squirrel, or a snake. If you feel strong, you might go for a long hike on a trail or even climb to a mountaintop. There is plenty of space to play Frisbee, eat lunch outdoors, or play hide-and-go-seek. At night you can build a bonfire. Be careful of the mosquitoes. According to both paragraphs, how are the mountains and the beach different? a) There is plenty of room to play at both places b) The beach has different animals than the mountains c) The beach is hot and the mountains are very cold d) The beach is a safer place to visit than the mountains
B - The beach has different animals than the mountains
The Underground Railroad was a secret organization which helped slaves escape to freedom. Many slaves were able to escape because of the conductors and station masters. The northern states were free states and slaves were free once they arrived in the north. Secret codes and signals were used to identify the conductors and station masters. What is the purpose of this paragraph? a) to entertain b) to persuade c) to inform
C - to inform
Harry snuck into the classroom and switched all the desks around. He also put shaving cream on all the chairs. What is the best character trait? a) joyful b) mischievous c) helpful
B - mischievous
Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Todd hung up a big sign that said, "Happy Birthday, Joey!" My mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day. What is the main idea? a) Todd had a great birthday b) Todd got gifts c) Joey had a great birthday d) Joey got gifts
C - Joey had a great birthday