Strengths and Weaknesses
Work Experience
Fun Fun Fun!

What is professionalism?

A) The skill, good judgement, and polite behaviour that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well

B) The act of being a teacher and acting and dressing like a professor

C) Eating pizza at work when you are not on a break

A) The skill, good judgement, and polite behaviour that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well


What is a strength and what is a weakness?

A strength is something you are skilled at.

A weakness is something that may be challenging for you or a skill that is not developed yet. 


What does past work experience mean?

It is list of all jobs you've held in the past. Depending on your background, you can include full-time positions, part-time jobs, temporary roles, internships, or even volunteer work. Work experience through high school also counts!


Name two different types of money




•Electronic funds (ex: your debit card)

•Stocks (ex: investing money into Apple or Bitcoin)

•The value that certain items hold (ex: your collection of Pokémon cards!)


What is the tallest animal in the world?

A Giraffe!


Name two places or activities where you need to act professional


- When you are out in the community (grocery shopping, etc.)

- While at work

- During an interview

- When you are writing emails

- When you meet with a Job Coach


Which of the strengths below may be a good answer in an interview?

A) Playing video games

B) Sleeping

C) Organization

D) Knowing the foods I like to eat

C) Organization


Name two situations where you may talk about your past work experience

•Job interview

•Talking with friends and family

•Applying for a volunteer position

•School application

•In a situation where those skills are applicable. For example, if you have experience cutting grass and your neighbour really needs help cutting their grass, you may offer to help them out.


Why is money important?

Money allows us to meet our basic needs, like buying food and shelter and pay for healthcare.


What type of fish is Nemo? 

A Clownfish!


Name two things that you can do to be professional at work


- Be on time

- Dress appropriately

- Stay positive

- Be mindful of language (no swearing or speaking badly about others)

- Offer coworkers help


Name two situations where you would tell someone your strengths and weaknesses 


-Job interview

-Health situations


-Trying out for a sports team or activity

-Searching for jobs


Why is Past Work Experience important?

A) It creates opportunities to develop work-related competencies and acquire different skills

B) It lets you work for a short time then you never have to work again

C) It is not important

A) It creates opportunities to develop work-related competencies and acquire different skills


What is an advantage of money?

A) It gives you the freedom to pay for things like trips or your favourite junk food!

B) Canadian money has cool colours

C) It is easy to fit into my piggy bank

A) It gives you the freedom to pay for things like trips or your favourite junk food!


What part do snakes smell with?

A) Tail

B) Tongue

C) Eyes

B) Tongue!

Snakes use their tongues to grab chemicals (which smells are made of) from the environment. The snake's brain then recognizes the chemicals as smells!


Fix three things in the following email to make it more professional:



 I have an important doctors appointment on Wednesday and I can't work. 


Hi Karim,    

I have an important doctors appointment on Wednesday. Would it be possible for me to take the day off?   

Thank you.



True or False

Knowing your weaknesses can help you improve



True or False

This is a great example of past work experience:

When I was 5 years old, I used to colour with crayons, so I have experience being an illustrator. 



What is a disadvantage of money?

A) I have to use my own money to buy gifts for my family

B) There is no disadvantages! Money is AWESOME

C) It can be very mathematical! Which isn’t a strong suit for many people

C) It can be very mathematical! Which isn’t a strong suit for many people


What is the name of this dinosaur?

A Triceratops!

Fun Fact: Triceratops means 'three horned face'


You are late to work because there was an accident on the way to work. What should you do?

Remember its important to act professional at work!

Call your manager immediately and let them know that you will be late.

Tell the group one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses 

Answers will vary


Strengths - Organization, Time Management, Friendly personality, Brave, Proactive

Weaknesses- Hard time letting go of tasks until they are finished, Being too critical of yourself, Ignoring constructive feedback, Losing track of time or job duties


Pretend you are at a job interview, and the manager asks "Can you tell me about your past work experience?"

What would you say?

Answers will vary.


The majority of my work experience has come from being a cashier at Walmart. I helped customers purchase their items by either using cash or debit/credit cards, as well as helped them bag up their items. I always provided a friendly presence in the store and encourage customers to feel comfortable making a purchase. 

I have had experience working as a host at Red Robin, where I greeted customers and brought them to their tables, and helped the servers clean and set up new tables. My great organizational skills and friendly personality helped me be very successful at doing my job.


Tell us one of your goals and how money can help you achieve it!

For example:

My goal is to exercise more. Money will help me buy new workout clothes and runners!

Answers will vary


My goal is to travel to Australia! Money will help me pay for my flight and hotels!


How many colours are in a rainbow?

