What is a simile?
A comparison using "like" or "as"
What is a metaphor?
A comparison that does not use like or as
What is personification?
Giving human qualities to objects, animals, or ideas.)
"Her heart is gold."
Metaphor — compares heart to gold
"The classroom was a jungle."
The classroom was wild, noisy, or chaotic.
"The clouds were as fluffy as cotton candy." What two things are being compared?
Clouds and cotton candy
"The classroom was a zoo." What does this mean?
The classroom was very noisy and chaotic.
"The wind whispered through the trees." What is being personified?
The wind, because it is "whispering."
"The leaves danced in the wind."
Personification — leaves are dancing
"The flowers waved hello in the breeze."
The flowers moved as if they were waving.
Create a simile using the word fast.
He ran as fast as a cheetah.
Create a metaphor that implies someone/something is strong.
She is a rock.
Create a sentence that uses personification.
Example: "The stars danced in the sky."
"He swims like a fish!"
Simile — uses "like" to compare swimming to a fish.
"Her eyes sparkled like diamonds."
Her eyes were bright and shiny.
"Her smile was as bright as the sun." What does this mean?
Her smile was very bright and happy.
What does the metaphor: The test was a piece of cake!
The test was very easy.
Identify the personification: The alarm clock screamed at me to wake up.
“The alarm clock screamed.”
"The moon was a glowing lantern in the sky."
Metaphor — moon is called a lantern
"Time is a thief."
Time passes quickly, stealing moments away.
Find the simile: The baby giggled like a bubbling brook as she played with her toy.
giggled like a bubbling brook
Explain this metaphor: "His voice was thunder in the night."
His voice was loud and powerful.
Explain this personification: "The angry waves crashed against the shore."
The waves seem angry like a person, showing strong movement.
"The car groaned as it climbed the steep hill."
Personification — car is "groaning."
"The thunder growled in the distance."
The thunder made a deep, loud sound like an animal growling.