Michael Cera's character on Arrested Development shares this name with a famous pop star
Who is George Michael?
In Finding Nemo, Nemo is what type of fish
What is clownfish?
This chain calls its kid's meal Happy Meals
What are happy meals?
This college football team is called the "fighting Irish"
Who is Notre Dame
This is the largest ocean on Earth
What is the Pacific Ocean?
This was Bart Simpson's teacher
Who is Mr. Krabappel?
The name of the dragon in Mulan
What is Mushu?
This fast food restaurant is famous for its root beer
What is A&W
This is the primary color of the University of Alabama's football team
What is crimson
This is the longest river in the world
What is the Nile River?
This is Cameron's husband on Modern Family
Who is Mitchell?
In the movie, this is Pinocchio's conscience
Who is Jiminy Cricket?
This famous fast food company lost a lawsuit for intentionally making its coffee too hot
What is McDonalds
This bowl game is played in Pasadena, California
What is the Rose Bowl
This country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun
What is Japan?
Most modern cars replaced the carburetor with this
What is fuel injection
Spongebob Squarepants originally was going to be called
What is Sponge Boy
What is 12?
This fast food chain featured Jared Fogle who claimed he lost 245 lbs eating its food
What is Subway
According the NCAA, this university was the first college football team to win a national championship
*****Daily Double*****
What is Yale University?
This country is the largest country in the world by landmass
What is Russia
Peter Dinklage was nominated for an Emmy for all 7 seasons of this show
What is Game of Thrones?
In Shrek, these 2 animals are blown up as balloons
Who are Frog and Snake
This is the number of spices supposedly in a Colonel Sanders' Original Recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken
What is 11
This is the name of the trophy awarded to the winner of the Ohio State vs. Michigan game
What is the Paul Bunyan Trophy
This what a group of islands is called
*****Daily Double*****
What is an archipelago?