In 1992 Czechoslovakia went through a velvet divorce and became which two new countries?
Czech Republic and Slovakia
What is wrong with your vision if you are myopic?
You are nearsighted, can not see things clearly at a distance
Which bird has a beard, wattle, and snood?
When was the Berlin Wall taken down?
November 1989-December 1990
What is a fontenelle, found on a newborn baby?
A fontanelle is a soft spot on a baby's head where the skull bones haven't fused together yet.
Frequenting gardens and hedgerows these birds have large broods, the females often babysit each others kids. What are these lovely birds called?
California quail
What was Iran formerly known as?
If someone undergoes a rhinoplasty, what kind of surgery have they had?
A nose job, for esthetics or function
Synonymous with Canada, found in every province and territory, this large water bird rarely sets foot on land and has a haunting call referred to as a wail. Often heard at dusk calling across the water. What is this bird called?
The loon
What was Myanmar formerly known as?
What is the scientific name for the bones of the fingers and toes?
This beautiful duck winters here on Vancouver Island. It takes its name from a colourfully dressed character in Commedia dell'arte, an Italian comedy. There is also a comic book character by this name. What is it called?
Harlequin ducks
What was Sri Lanka formerly known as?
How many teeth in a childs dentition?
What was Thailand formerly known as?
How many teeth in an full adult dentition?
The Soviet Union had a dissolution in 1991, name four countries that gained independence. (There are 15.)
Armenia, Estonia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Maldova, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Taijikistan, kyrgyzstan, Russia
Where in the body would you find the bone called a scapula?
Upper back
February 4, 2003 Yugoslavia dissolved into 6 countries. Name three.
Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia
In what part of the body would you find a tympanic membrane, a eustachian tube and cochlea?
The ear
April 1999 Canada got a new Territory. What is it called and what is the capital?
Nunavut, Iqaluit
Vitiligo is a disease that causes what?
Vitiligo (vit-ih-LIE-go) is a disease that causes loss of skin color in patches. The discolored areas usually get bigger with time. The condition can affect the skin on any part of the body. It can also affect hair and the inside of the mouth.
In July 2011, Sudan split into two countries after decades of civil war. What is the new country called?
South Sudan
Wenis/weenus is a slang term for what part of human anatomy?